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George Talks Business: Globalization and Digital Acceleration on Businesses

Essay Instructions:

Please summarize the following two videos and connect them with globalization with approximately 500 words each.



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George Talks Business
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George Talks Business
George Talks Business is a series of half-an-hour interviews with alumni and notable thought leaders in government, corporate, and non-profit organizations. The interviewees share their insights on leadership, technology, ethics, universal developments, and other related topics.
Video 1
The CEO of RockCreek, Afsaneh M. Beschloss, was interviewed by Dr. Danny Leipziger, managing director of The Growth Dialogue and professor of international business and international affairs at GWSB. 
Afsaneh is an expert in capital markets, and she was asked to discuss the stock market, which was doing well at the time. The current pandemic has dilapidated the economy, increased unemployment levels, while some companies are filing for bankruptcy. According to her, the stock market was not doing well because post-COVID, some companies' stocks are up while several others are down. The energy sector had come down by 15%. The share is quite small, although renewable energy is doing relatively well. The intersection between technology health and education sector is growing because those adapting the new changes such as long-distance and online learning and Telemedicine are prospering and doing well in capital markets.
The banking sector in the United States is in a better situation compared to the 2008 recession. However, they are experiencing many loan default cases because several companies and affected individuals cannot repay massive debts. Dr. Danny claims that several economists in the US have forecasted severe debt repayment rescheduling issues because beginning 2021, several debts will have matured. It is also expected that after the pandemic, some people may not go back to offices and instead work from home or adapt to other things; hence real estate companies will undergo restructuring, although those investing in affordable housing are doing well.
The United States has been affected by rising inflation. Afsaneh and Dr. Danny claim that the governor of the Federal Bank of the US is contemplating increasing inflation due to monetary policies' limitation since he has tried to use all tools necessary to control the effects, but policies have failed. She suggests that the main challenge arises due to income inequality, which results in a reduction in consumption, thus increasing inflation. Both the public and private sectors should come up with mechanisms to bridge the gap.
She advises the students to be resilient and flexible because a job description in the workplace changes. They should also learn other skills, not just corporate finance and accounting, because those skills would be necessary when managing different corporations. Ethics are also significant, and they should learn to abide by them. She also encourages women to build their work, do things that build on their careers and lives outside, engage in activities outside their workplace, and strike to balance between work and family.
Globalization is the movement and exchange of human capital, goods, services, technologies, and cultural practices worldwide. It promotes interaction between populations and regions around the world (Held, 2007). Globalization has created the need for borrowing, especially for developing countries.
It has led to an increase in interest rates and debts...
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