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George Talks Business with Sandeep Dadlani

Essay Instructions:

Students should be prepared to write about 500 words per event (total assignment 1500 words).


Can you summarize this video just like the other two?


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George Talks Business with Sandeep Dadlani
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George Talks Business with Sandeep Dadlani
The video is about an interview with Dr. AnujMehrotra, dean of George Washington School of Business, with Sandeep Dadlani. The latter is a digital officer at Mars Incorporated, an American multinational company that deals with the manufacturing of pet and human food (Gergetalks business, 2020 September 30). The company is known for its never-ending commitment to providing animal care services. Sandeep remarks that the company is privately owned and, all the company’s stakeholders live as a family. According to Sandeep, Mars Incorporated is successful in its business operations because it has effective internal and external environments from all the stakeholders to work and interact businesswise.
Sandeep tells Dr. Anuj that the loyalty employees and other stakeholders have for the company results from the care the company takes to its stakeholders (George talks business, 2020 September 30). Since Mars Incorporated has a growth ambition, it encourages all the primary role players such as managers, supervisors, and employees to embrace such values as quality, responsibility, efficiency, neutrality, and freedom. The values help all stakeholders within the company's internal environment to attain personal and professional growth and consequently attain increased performance. Lastly, there is unity and mutual understanding among the company's employees. The spirit of teamwork enables the company to implement with success all its business undertakings.
Sandeep asserts that his role as a digital officer is to ensure the company makes and implements its business decisions faster. He talks about increasing the speed of performing business actions a hundred times(George talks business, 2020 September 30). ...
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