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Generations and Social Classes

Essay Instructions:

From the following list choose a generation or social class.

Locate a research study in any of the following journals using the FIU Library e-journal database (https://browzine(dot)com/libraries/314/subjects):

Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Consumer Culture Theory, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business, International Journal of Marketing Studies , International Distribution and Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behavior in Emerging Markets, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Consumer Culture or Research in Consumer Behavior.

Post a summary (300 words) and citation of a research article related to marketing to this population.

Pre-Depression Generation

Depression Generation

Baby Boom Generation

Generation X

Generation Y

Generation Z

Upper Americans

Middle Americans

Lower Americans

Other generations or Social Classes welcomed.

Responses can include further explanation, questions, agreement or disagreement, compare or contrast statements, or personal examples of marketing concept

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Generations and Social Classes
Name Course Instructor Date
Pitta (2012) focuses on the challenges and opportunities of marketing to Millenials who were born after personal computers became more common. The researcher highlights that these consumers seek information from those they trust and even more likely to seek information from strangers than previous generations. Research on marketing to various generations highlights the features that are most associated with the generation and the best ways to market to each group.Focus on the consumer group shows that since they are tech-savvy, they are more likely to search for information, but they are also prone to swift gratification, which is common in the digital era.
For each generation and consumer group, it is necessary to use a language of communication that they connect with and a focus on satisfying their needs and wants. As such, the researcher singles out digital marketing as an essential avenue to ...
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