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Gender Discrimination in Nike Inc.

Essay Instructions:

Ethics in business relationships include both the external and internal relationships that develop around the organization. For this assignment, you will focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization. Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the organization, the more productive the employees.

Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination; sexual harassment; bullying or unsafe working conditions.

1. Briefly describe the issue.

2. Analyze the impact on overall morale, relationships within the organization and ultimately overall productivity levels.

3. Research a minimum of one company that was caught up in this type of issue.

4. What best practices might a company implement to avoid negative behavior within their organization?

5. How would you rate the ethical practices of the company that you chose (excellent, fair or poor)? Explain.

Your response should include an introduction, thesis statement, and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. It should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender Discrimination Customer Inserts His/Her Name Customer Inserts Grade Course Customer Inserts Tutor’s Name Writer Inserts Date Here (Day, Month, Year) Gender Discrimination Introduction It is common knowledge that working women face numerous problems in order to achieve their career ambitions. Apart from the problems due to sexism, there are particular concerns with respect to the inherent proficiency and fitness in the workplace, the social expectation from the working mothers to be a care giver. Women faces a lot of obstacles. Apart from the cultural limitation there is limit on the number of job opportunities considered suitable for women. Moreover, less pay in comparison to male co-workers and the obstacles in being promoted after a certain level aggravates the issue of discrimination. This paper will focus on discrimination faced by women and assert that the efficiency at a work place can be acquired by promoting equality at workplace, consequently increasing the cost-effectiveness. The paper will discuss the case study of Nike Inc. lastly the paper will outline the steps that can be taken by the organization to overcome gender discrimination. Gender discrimination and it impact on workplace It has been indicated by research that male and female are treated differently at workplace. Gender stereotypes impacts most of the perception with respect to the role of people at workplace. The organizational involvements are greatly impacted by the descriptive and prescriptive stereotypes. There are two types of discrimination; formal and informal. Formal discrimination entails unjust allocation of the opportunities and resources, like promotion, pay scale and job outline. Informal discrimination is primarily linked with the interactions between employees and the type of relationship they have (Stangor, 2001). In an organization, the standards of evaluating the progress of men and women are different from each other. An analysis of performance evaluation reflected that women are inherently evaluating as accomplishing lesser obligations in comparison to men. The gender inconsistency was greater in the evaluations of male centered workplace. Consequently, indicates as the percentage of women decreases in a workplace, their evaluations are more adverse in contrast to men. As the correlation between performance and monetary compensation is direct it is apparent that women are underpaid in comparison to their male co-workers. Implementing a gender specific view of women leads to the conclusion that they do not have the specific skill set to perform a male specific job. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that in case where male and female have the similar qualifications and set of expertise, male are considered to be having greater excellence in performing the job (Heilman & Welle, 2005). It has been indicated by research that women face more issues in making social connections at a work place in comparison to men and they gain lesser benefit from those. It has been highlighted that men have widespread social connection that includes the influencing people in the workplace. It has been reported that women face more problems in forming a mentoring relationship in comparison to men. In rare circumstances, when women are successful in creating social network, it is rarely linked with the with career excellence like compensations in comparison to male co-workers (Heilman & Welle, 2005). When the workplace environment promotes discrimination, the workers will not be satisfied, this will have a negative impact on the efficiency of the organization due to poor performance of the worker who has been discriminated. It will for dissatisfaction among the customers as well, thereby infuriating the employer, creating an ongoing cycle of lesser productivity and disappo...
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