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General Data Protection Regulation and Preventing Facebook Crises

Essay Instructions:

WATCH BOTH EPISODES: The Facebook Dilemma, Pt. 1 & P. 2 on PBS Frontline
Frontline webpage : https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/
The Facebook Dilemma page: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/facebook-dilemma/
WATCH 60 Minutes segment. https://www(dot)cbsnews(dot)com/video/gdpr-the-law-that-lets-europeans-take-back-their-data-from-big-tech-companies-60-minutes/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

3. READ New York Times Op-Eds:

4. RAD GDPR. at: https://eugdpr(dot)org(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Look at this site.
Your thoughtful, well-written well-developed posts should address these issues: data collection, ( your/our) privacy: Europe vs. USA, regulations: GDPR and possible federal regulations.
You are expected to write as you would for any formal assignment, use citations if you are quoting from a film, article. Refer to grading rubric for DF’s in Modules on Canvas.
You must post and reply to someone else in the course and must be well-written, detailed and substantial. Your reply has to be substantial and push the conversation further.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Forum
Discussion Forum
Data privacy has been a major concern among social media users and the Facebook’s association with Russian interference with the United States 2016 elections further heightened those concerns. Personal data has been accumulated in social networking sites and it would be irresponsible to let them regulate and remain in control, especially given the vulnerability of those sites to external intrusion. As revealed by The New York Times Editorial Board (2018), Facebook management failed to actively resolve the issues surrounding the 2016 elections meddling, which indicates the need for more stringent data privacy and protection laws.
The GDPR seems to be taking data privacy regulation to the next level because citizens in the EU are protected from data breach even if the data collecting companies are located outside of the EU (EU GDPR, n.d.). This is a move in the right direction because companies that operate in coun...
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