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Functions of the Management: Planning, Leading, Organizing, Staffing, and Controlling are Implemented in Your Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Focus of the Final Paper
This assignment focuses on how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. If you are not currently working, you may use a previous employer. In this assignment, you must:
Analyze the application of these management concepts to your place of work; the paper will not simply be a report on the five functions in general. 
Identify specific examples and explain of how each applies to the functions practiced in your place of work.
Be sure to integrate vocabulary learned throughout this course and citations from the text to support your analysis. The paper should be five to six pages in length and formatted according APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least five scholarly sources.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined .
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Management Functions Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted
Management Functions
Managers are entrusted with the task of leading an organization. In order to accomplish that task, they must carefully use all the resources that are available to the organization. Different levels of managers have different roles and responsibilities in contributing to the success of an organization based on their position. For example, a supervisor has more hands on tasks during the daily operations while a CEO evaluates the daily activities and sets goals for the organization to achieve. This requires the managers to practice the management functions. The paper discusses how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented at the McDonald’s and analyzes their concept application. In addition, it will identify specific examples and explain how each applies to the management functions practiced at the McDonald’s.
Management Functions
Management is defined as working with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the organization and its members (Montana & Charnov, 2008). The functions of the management are practiced by all managers regardless of the position. McLean (2011) lists the five main functions of management as planning, organizing, staffing, directing or leading and controlling. He further states that these functions usually overlap and are inseparable, thus each function blends with the other to influence the performance of an organization. For the managers to be successful it is important for them to be aware of the functions and have the knowledge on how to implement them at work.
According to Singh (2012), planning is the basic management function, which deals with forecasting future course of action and making a decision on the best alternative for achieving the organizational goals. The planning function involves the formation of the mission, vision, objectives and goals of an organization. In this first step of the five functions, the outline of what, when and how the goals will be attained is also developed. The step is crucial because it ensures that the resources available are properly utilized. The McDonalds’ mission is to offer their customers with friendly services in clean and convenient location. The company’s vision is to be their customers’ favorite place to eat because of its unmatched quality service, cleanliness and value every time (McDonalds, 2016). The mission and vision give a direction of where the company wants to go. The role of the top management here is to evaluate where they want the organization to go. They are required to make decisions based on what the organization wants to achieve in the future. In some instances, the top managers encourage flexibility and initiative by leaving the decision on how to achieve the vision with the people who are responsible for carrying out the laid plan. Therefore, this function represents all the other four for without it they do not have a basis for existing.
After the formulation of the plans, managers need to organize. Organizing is the process of developing an orderly way of bringing together the physical, financial and human resources that are essential to accomplishing the goals of the organization (Montana & Charnov, 2008). Since individuals are talented differently, managers need to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of every team member so that talents and competencies are well balanced in all teams. For the function to be well executed, the managers must identify and classify business activities, assign duties, create responsibilities, and delegating responsibilities and authority relationships. In simpler terms, the organization structure is developed so that teamwork is effective. For example, the McDonalds has function-based groups in its organizational structure. In the corporate operations, the McDonalds has a human resource management department, a supply chain department, a franchising department, and a legal department. This type of structure allows the company to deal with its business operations. All its franchise must be well coordinated so that all teams work towards achieving a common goal unison and harmony with the management.
Staffing function follows the organizing function. It involves hiring properly trained and qualif...
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