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Frozen Dinners Marketing Strategy

Essay Instructions:

You are writing two marketing strategies, and each strategy has five parts; therefore, IT IS EXPECTED THAT this PAPER WILL BE 7 PAGES (1/2 to 1 page per part).  develop two marketing strategies for the below produtcs : - frozen dinners Remember there are two parts to a marketing strategy:   Part 1:  determining the target market   Part 2:  developing the marketing mix Read the "Toddler University" case (see Attached).  This case will assist you with this assignment.  From the case, you will learn that the company sold children's shoes.  They identified four segments of the marketplace and selected one segment as their target market. FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT, IDENTIFY TWO DISTINCT TARGET MARKETS FOR YOUR PRODUCT, AND WRITE A MARKETING STRATEGY FOR BOTH.  THE GOAL OF THE PAPER IS TO RECOGNIZE HOW THE MARKETING MIX WOULD DIFFER FOR THE TWO GROUPS.  BE SURE TO PROVIDE AMPLE INFORMATION ABOUT EACH TARGET MARKET IN ORDER TO FULLY DEVELOP THE MARKETING MIX. For example, in the TU case, one segment (the target market that was selected by the company) was attentive parents and another segment was economy oriented parents.  The case gave a description of these types of parents.  You need to develop two target markets and write full descriptions of the consumers in each group.  The second part is developing the marketing mix.  In the TU case, we have information about the four elements of the marketing mix.  If we looked at promotion in the TU case, the company determined that attentive parents wanted to be educated about the product and learn a great deal about the shoe so the company developed an ad that contained a lot of information.  In contrast, economy oriented parents would be focused on the price of the shoe and would not seek as much information.  The ad directed to economy oriented parents might be brief and merely show, in large print, the price of the shoe next to the product. Here is another (very brief) example.If the product were lawn mowing.  One target market might be wealthy consumers with little time.  This market might hire a lawn care service.  This is the product section of the marketing mix.  Think about pricing, promotion, and place.  For your paper, you would provide more information about the target market and the product. Another target market might be the do-it-yourself, environmentally conscious consumer.  This market might purchase a battery operated push lawnmower to avoid polluting the environment with gas fumes, etc.  This is the product section of the marketing mix.  Think about pricing, promotion, and place.  For your paper, you would provide more information about the target market and the product. Keep in mind that you are making up one product for your first target market and making up a different product for your second target market.  (Using the same type of product for the entire the paper) Minimally, you would have five paragraphs for each marketing strategy - paragraph for target market, paragraph for product, paragraph for price, paragraph for promotion, and paragraph for place.  That's minimum!  Ideally you would have a few paragraphs for each of those. Read the Toddler University case to assist you with this assignment.

Toddler University – Higher Education for Younger Feet

(The company’s marketing strategy was successful because it developed a distinctive

marketing mix that was precisely relevant to the needs of the target market) 


Jeff Silverman founded Toddler University, Inc., a shoe company for children.  He had spent many years working in the shoe industry and learned a lot about customers’ needs and interests.  During high school and college, he worked as a sales person at a local shoe store.  He also worked a year at Nike.  From these jobs, Jeff realized that some parents were not satisfied when it came to finding shoes for their preschool children.  Jeff believed that there was a large market for general-purpose baby shoes, but he did not want to focus on this market because it didn’t make sense for his small company to compete head on with many other firms where he had no particular advantage.


He identified four other markets for children’s shoes that were quite different:


          The Traditionalists – satisfied with a well-manufactured shoe that was available from “quality” stores where they could seek help in selecting the right size and fit.  These parents didn’t mind if the design was old-fashioned and didn’t change.  They wanted a well-known brand that had a reputation for quality, even if it was a bit more expensive.


          The Economy Oriented – were in lower income groups.  These parents wanted a basic shoe at a low price.  They saw baby shoes as all pretty much the same – so a “name” brand didn’t have much appeal.  They were willing to shop around to see what was on sale. 


          The Fashion Conscious – were interested in dressing up their babies in shoes that looked like smaller versions of the latest styles that they bought for themselves.  Fit was important, but beyond that, a colorful design is what got their attention. 


          The Attentive Parents – wanted shoes that met a variety of needs.  They wanted shoes to be fun and fashionable and functional.  They didn’t want just a good fit but also design and materials that were really right for baby play and learning to walk.  These well-informed, upscale parents were likely to buy from a store that specialized in baby items.  They were willing to pay a premium price if they found the right product.


Silverman thought Stride Rite was meeting the needs of Traditionalists very well.  The Economy Oriented and Fashion Conscious customers were satisfied with shoes from a variety of other companies.  But Silverman saw a way to compete by targeting the Attentive Parents with a marketing mix that combined, in his words, “fit and function with fun and fashion.”  He developed a detailed marketing plan that attracted financial backers, and at age twenty-four, his company came to life.


Toddler U did not have its own production facilities, so Silverman contracted with a manufacturer to make shoes with his brand name and to his specifications.  He designed softer shoes instead of rigid high-topped infant shoes.  The shoes had more comfortable rubber soles and lasted longer because they were stitched rather than glued.  The shoes had an extra wide opening which made it easier to get on squirming feet.  He also put effort into the packaging of his product.  He believed that creative packaging would help promote the shoe and attract customers.  For example, he put an athletic-styled shoe in a box that looked like a gray gym locker. 


The shoes were priced at $40 or more per pair.  This was a premium price, but the Attentive parents are willing to spend more on their child unlike the Traditionalists who might spend $15 less on a pair of shoes for their child. 


Silverman knew that discount retailers and other general merchandise stores were not appropriate.  He predicted that the Economy Oriented parents would shop at stores such as Walmart.  Instead, he looked to offer his shoes in specialty shops as well as placing his product in the shoe department of high-end department stores. 


Finally, to promote the product, Silverman developed ads with close-up photos of babies wearing his shoes.  The ads gave detailed information about the special benefits of the shoes.  The copy from one ad said:

“Toddler University presents a great leap forward for children’s feet.  It’s called the Higher Education sneaker. 

And while its playful exterior may look like other sneakers, there the resemblance ends.  Because what you see here is footwear that gives kids who live in sneakers a significantly higher standard of living. 

For instance, most companies that make lightweight shoes take the issue of fit all too lightly.  Toddler U’s come with custom lined footbeds that mold shoes to every contour of your child’s feet.  Also, other sneaker soles are surprisingly inflexible when it comes to bending but our Higher Education soles allow a child’s feet to bend almost as easily as if they were barefoot.

And since destroying sneakers is among every kid’s favorite sport, ours come with thicker leathers and rubber molded toe guards, making them the first sneaker specifically designed to finish last. 

In other words, Higher Education is anything but a sneaker of the old school.”


In just four years, Toddler U’s sales jumped from $100,000 to over $40 million.  Silverman added shoes for older kids and expanded into more markets.  Then, Silverman made his biggest sale of all when he sold the company to Genesco, one of the biggest firms in the footwear business.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Frozen Dinners Marketing Strategy
Frozen Dinners Marketing Strategy
For me, it was not hard to look at the society and discover the gaps in the food market.For many people today, it has become so hard to get to the stores daily to pick some fresh vegetables and ingredients to prepare meals.It is clear that many people end up not eating fresh food and that a huge amount of fresh food definitely go to waste.The waste of the fresh foods and the lack of time by a big proportion of the population was the main thing which gave the idea to introduce frozen foods in the market around me. There is a very huge supply of frozen foods in the market but I believe much of it is not tailored to meet the specific needs of individual customers. From my interactions with a huge number of frozen foods customer while working at Wal-Mart, I discovered that most of this customers needed pre-prepared foods for easy cooking while others wanted pre-cooked foods. Frozen foods willhelp many people who have no time to get into the stores daily to shop for fresh foods for cooking. I believe that frozen foods have a veryhuge market especially in the following market segments.
The young working class people- this is the largest target group. They lack time to shop for fresh foods every day and the expertise to prepare quality food with the right proportions of each nutritional requirement.Frozen foods are therefore very helpful especiallyto those who work until late hours. This is because they can keep frozen foods for prolonged periods in the house.In addition, frozen foods are easy to prepare and this creates more demand because it does not take much time and one can prepare and have time do other chores.This group prefers pre-mixed frozen ingredients for instance, pre-mixed and steamed vegetables among other foods all which require considerably short time to prepare.
The young people living alone- many youngpeople who live alone don’t like spending time cooking and they also prefer eating simple foods. Therefore, frozen foods are the best choice for them.This too applies to people living alone, most of them find it hard to cook or prepare a dish for just him or herself. This group mostly wants ready foods for instance, frozen pizzas and desserts among other pre-cooked frozen foods all which only needs to be heat.
Healthy foods consumers- These are mostly people who are very conscious of the kinds of foods they consume. They are concerned about the quantity of each proportion they consume. This group needs pre-mixed raw ingredients which are marked with the quantities of each nutrient in the foods and frozen fruits. These kinds of consumers are not very many but are also not concerned about the prices of the foods. This group would form a good market for expensive health conscious Frozen foods (Erickson & Hung, 2007).
Small takeaway food joints- Small food joints forms the biggest large scale Frozen foods consumers. They do not have the ability to order frozen foods in very large quantities that would attract quantity discounts. This group mostly needs fast moving groups of frozen foods, for instance frozen sausages and chicken.
The young working class
This market group has the potential to become the biggest market group for our frozen foods. The best combination or market mix is to provide ready to eat Frozen foods for the young working class and pre-mixed ingredients and foods for the young people living alone. To ensure that we stay ahead the market mix will combine ‘ease to prepare and safe foods for the young and time conscious’. The specific products for this group will include a range of frozen fast foods such as frozen pizzas and desserts and Pre-cooked Frozen meals such as grilled and fully cooked frozen beef and chicken. The selling point for this target group is the reduction to the minimum of the time taken to prepare a meal. Most of the foods for this group of customers will be pre-cooked and as such will only need to be heat.
There is a considerably huge variety of frozen foods that will be stocked in this firm. They will be priced depending on the kind of food, the level of service. However, a typical one meal lunch or dinner box for one person will go for between 5 dollars and 30 dollars. A typical lunch box will comprise a serving of frozen beef or chicken, a serving of steamed vegetables and bread. The price will also vary depending on whether the lunch box will be delivered, for less than five basic lunch boxes. For an order of more than five basic lunch boxes, delivery within a ten kilometer radius will be free.
The best marketing strategy is positioning the frozen foods as the best choice for ‘the young and time conscious individuals’. In addition, in the realization of the fact that most of this people lack enough time to shop around, the firm will market its products online and offer delivery options to the clients. There will also be an online platform that allows a customer to influence his own serving. For instance, in this platform the customer will be allowed to specify either the exact proporti...
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