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Financial Reporting SLP: Stakeholder Analysis and Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Financial Reporting

Here is a video by Ed Freeman discussing stakeholders and stakeholder theory: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=bIRUaLcvPe8

In this Module 4 SLP assignment, you will further the understanding of the ethical issue that you have identified in Module 3 https://www(dot)dropbox(dot)com/s/rkl317o085jh7vl/ETH301%20module%203%20Case.doc?dl=0. One way of better understanding a business decision or ethical issue is to identify the values of the stakeholders who are involved in the decision.

You also learned something about “stakeholders” and “stakeholder theory” in the Module 4 Background page.

Once you have identified the stakeholders you may want to interview them (a few representatives are fine if you have identified stakeholder groups) if you can, to see what they think about the issue and decision. Your own views might change once you’ve heard from the stakeholders. If you are not able to interview them, put yourself in their position and consider what their views might be based on their values.

Please write a 2- to 3-page paper, not including cover page and reference page, explaining who the stakeholders are for this business decision and ethical issue and explaining their views on the issue and decision.


Module 4 Background page

The issue of transparency in financial reporting has several facets or dimensions. First of all, there is both a positive and negative aspect. On the positive side are the questions of what to report, to whom to report, and when to report. The negative aspect recognizes deception and outright fraud in reporting practices as well as the issue of insider trading.

The intent of financial reporting is to convey information to a company’s investors and other stakeholders about the company’s financial condition and its past, current, and prospective future operations—at various levels of detail depending on the particular interests of these stakeholders. The obvious standards for the positive side of this task relate to truthfulness and significance in terms of actions that might be taken by these stakeholders as a result of what is reported and when. In the case of publicly held corporations, some of the requirements meet standards that are spelled out in regulations set and enforced by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and established by national and international accounting organizations—in the United States, for example, by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (GAAP). The Internal Revenue Service requires non-profit organizations with more than $25,000 in annual revenue to file a 990 form reporting financial and related data. Beyond those requirements, the standards regarding reporting what, when, and to whom are largely a matter of custom, stakeholder request, and organizational initiative.


Required Reading

Presentations: Ethical business: Reasoning from principles. https://www(dot)dropbox(dot)com/s/ek8yizmhat0mgc6/Ethical%20Business%20Reasoning%20from%20Principles.doc?dl=0

Focus on the sections devoted to deontological ethics and stakeholder analysis.

Federwisch, A. (2006). Ethical issues in the financial services industry. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University (October). Retrieved March 31, 2014, from http://www(dot)scu(dot)edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/financial-services.html

Financial Reporting Manual. (2014). U.S. Securities Exchange Commission Division of Corporate Finance. Retrieved May 16, 2014, at http://www(dot)sec(dot)gov/divisions/corpfin/cffinancialreportingmanual.shtml

Sherman, F. (2014). Ethical issues among stakeholders in Google. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 29, 2014, at http://smallbusiness(dot)chron(dot)com/ethical-issues-among-stakeholders-google-30716.html


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Financial Reporting SLP: Stakeholder analysis and ethics
One of the ethical dilemmas facing the financial service industry is how to report on speculative banking, and how to report losses. JP Morgan Chase did face an ethical dilemma on whether to report all its losses at once related to speculative banking. Following the 2008/2009 financial crisis, the banking industry has been cautious on how it manages information about potential losses from speculative banking. On one hand, the stakeholders would wish to have a higher shareholder payout, on the other hand, regulators, and the public are concerned about the likely ripple effects of excessive speculative banking. This essay focuses on stakeholders and stakeholder theory as they are related to ethics and reporting on losses in JP Morgan Chase.
Stakeholder analysis focuses on how business operates taking into account how businesses create value for its stakeholders. In order to success, businesses should ideally focus on the interest of stakeholders in totality rather than in isolation (Freeman, 2009). As such, managers are faced with the problem of catering for the divergent interests of the stakeholders, since focusing on only one or some of stakeholders may be detrimental to the success of the organization. At the same time, business may be faced with an ethical dilemma, given that the stakeholder interest may not be compatible. The managers seek to maximize shareholder wealth, while following ethical practice, as such they need to take into accounts the shareholders inters without violating standards
Traders working in JP Morgan are rewarded for their efforts to improve the company’s profitability. As such high risk trading with complex financial derivatives and hedging techniques are some of the strategies. Even though, techniques have the potential to bring in a lot of profit, they can also fail spectacularly, leaving the bank with huge losses, such was the case in the London offices, where traders and the company failed to disclose material information to investors and regulates with regards to losses from complex financial trades. There is a dilemma for the traders as they need to maximize profits without damaging the company’s image, but unethical practice may arise because of the demand to maintain high profits in a highly competitive industry.
One of the challenges facing traders is the need to manage information to avoid a huge dip in a company’s earning as any negative information is likely to dent investor confidence. However, organizations may also need to adhere to a code of conduct, with the code being supported by the employees (Sherman, 2014). As such, there could be trust violation related to the release of inform...
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