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Clickable Rubric Assignment: Expanding Your Business

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Assignment 2: Expanding Your Business
Due Week 8 and worth 240 points
Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment, write a 6-8 page paper in which you:
Outline a financial plan for your small business.
Develop a guerrilla marketing strategy for your small business.
Discuss the most appropriate location for a second store (an actual street address). Explain your reasoning.
Outline a plan for securing sources of debt financing for your second store.
Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Describe and analyze the necessary activities and key decisions to start a small business.
Analyze the key financial management considerations in operating a small business.
Develop a guerrilla marketing strategy for a small business.
Analyze the role of pricing, credit, and equity financing in defining a business strategy.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in small business management.
Write clearly and concisely about small business management using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Business and Marketing:
The Key Points in Managing a Small Scale Business
Business and Marketing
14 June 2017
This paper focuses on enumerating the different important factors in starting-up a small-scale or micro business. The advantages and disadvantages are enumerated in the parts of this research work to accurately describe the several facets, which must be considered in creating a business opportunity. The goal is to provide a clear outline and report the detailed facts based on expert’s advice, and experiences as well as a statistical data founded on truth and effectivity.
Likewise, this assignment includes an outline of a financial plan, the development of a guerrilla marketing strategy, the discussion of the most strategic location for a second franchise of the store with given explanations and an outline of a definite plan to secure sources for debt financing of the second store. The primary purposes grant a well-studied scheme that has been used by successful entrepreneurs who have earned large profits in the commercial world. Opening up a business is not simple and must be studied thoroughly to prevent harm and failures.
Outline a Financial Plan for the Small Business
There is a necessity for a high standard financial management system that would offer results and benefits, which includes:
regular bookkeeping,
records of financial statements and sources of financing (USA Small Business
Process of Budgeting for monthly and yearly expenditures
Usage of a tool for budgeting that would help track all the business expenses.
Statements such as documents of the financial proposals, with a balance sheet and statement of income or statement of cash flow.
The need for an accountant in the process of purchasing materials and equipment for the business who would check the IRS records in rightfully deducting expenses.  
The need for proper and accurate financial management is one way of ensuring profit earning methods and strategies. This process assists the owners in making decisions concerning choosing office locations, an inventory of materials purchased from the store, employees, and equipment. It must also be considered that this method helps in the growth of the small business.
Develop a guerrilla marketing strategy for your small business.
Engaging into the world of business tycoons, commercial transactions and entrepreneurial avenues are complicated at first if one is a neophyte in this field of work. There are guidelines and rules that must be followed to attain success in attaining corporate goals and outcomes. According to Patel S. (2017) that an outline or business plan must be established to systematically, organize all the goals of the business. The main divisions of a business plan include a “detailed summary, company’s specific description, an analysis of the market with feasibility research, list and enumeration of the products to be manufactured and sold, the marketing and sales strategy with the financial record and report of the anticipated expenses and earnings from the pre-planning to the development stages and a plan for the needed staff and employees to be trained for the opening of the shop” Patel S. (2017). The need for an advertisement team and a marketing strategy team is also optional, however; this will increase the sales of the store in terms of spreading information. Some of the tools used for marketing are the social media, television, billboards or magazines and newspapers. This will help in the promotion stage of the business start-up.
The Most Appropriate Location for a Second Store. Explain Your Reasoning.
First and foremost in terms of adding up a second location or franchise for your store, a businessman must ask whether there is already a “...
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