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Essay Instructions:
Your task in this paper is to be self-analytic. During the first segment of the course you will have received a number of different kinds of information of potential relevance to you as a person. Some of this will come in the form of what you learn this semester. Other information will come from your experiences outside class. This paper should attempt to present a coherent picture of the writer using whatever concepts are helpful with special attention given to the development of you own Philosophy of Management. The central question for this paper is “what do I bring to the role of leader and manager that may influence the way I act in that role?” In this paper you should identify your 2-3 most important personal characteristics, provide ample evidence for each characteristic and speculate on how each characteristic is likely to affect you in the role of a leader (maximum 4 pages, double-spaced, single-sided, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, with no grammar or spelling errors, also include a title page and upload your paper as the final version. The first page of the paper should be a title page. The format of the text should include an introduction that briefly describes the main content of the paper. Then you should provide separate sub-sections for each of the personal characteristics you have identified as being your most important characteristics. Relate your characteristics to your Philosophy of Management. In addition, consider your abilities in leading people. Within each of these sub-sections you should provide multiple types of evidence to support the existence of the characteristics and then speculate on how each characteristic might help and hinder you in the role of a leader. The final section of the main text should be a conclusion. Your written assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria: 1. Your diagnostic ability: the extent to which you can identify and organize concrete and significant data about phenomena that you are trying to analyze. 2. Your analytic and conceptual skills: the extent to which you are able to integrate your own personal experience and the various theories and models discussed in the course. *Proof didn\\\'t really mentioned how many references so pls based it from your point of view and experience
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The following report is an indication of the requirements that one must have in order to assume any leadership position. These qualities have been arrived at after a thorough scrutiny of the leadership capabilities of the several leaders the community has had. The proposed capabilities seem to be the ones that are most lacking in the majority of the leaders.
The success of human beings in the implementation of any venture they may be engaged in rests on their ability to have organized leadership. My role as the leader in providing guidance and direction to my community will rest on the how I implement my skills and knowledge in the activities that we shall engage in. This will call on me to implement my vision through engaging the whole community. This is in recognition of the fact that for us to move together they must own that vision because the benefits will be enjoyed by all. I will then endeavor to stick to my management philosophy which entails organizational effectiveness and building commitment. This will ensure that all the systems that my leadership will put in place will be functioning at their very best through the combination of competence and efficiency. This will involve the articulate formulation of policies through involving those I will be serving to ensure there is reliability and the people will gain a lot of confidence and satisfaction.
I have always liked being a community leader in my residential area and my wish has been to make a difference to everybody regardless of their social standing. This urge is in me because I believe I possess the three qualities that are required by anyone who aspires to be a leader. These are honesty, competence and courage.
This is one of the most important virtues that one must have to be a leader. Honesty refers to the behavior or acts that entrusts somebody to people due to his beliefs and actions that are of high integrity, truthful and trustworthy. This means the general public can entrust the individual to be their leader because whatever he will be advising them on will be based on these virtues.
This can be evidenced through the reliability with which people have treated after my proposal of leading them in the community. They believe without me they may take a long time before realizing the changes which they want in the community. Majority of them are also satisfied and they seem to have already made up their minds that when the time comes they will fully endorse me to be their community leader.
They have knowledge of my high moral integrity in the community and also in college as I have never been guilty of any offence or ill doing. They also recognize the fact that most of those supporting me are my fellow youth who know and understand me very well. The people know of my vision for them and the society and they also acknowledge that this can only be achieved through teamwork and commitment by all the residents of our community.
In simple it is their vision and I will only be their leader to offer guidance and ensure the desired results are achieved for the benefit of all. They have accepted to own the vision because they are honest with me just as I am to them. This will make us work without the fear of sabotage from any of the residents.
Effect of honesty on my leadership role
The virtue of honesty will greatly help me in playing my leadership role because it will bring organizational effectiveness in the community that will ensure the desired objectives are attained faster and with minimal interference with related activities in the surroundings. This is because everybody will want to be identified with the developmental initiatives that will be going on in the area and most of their services will be voluntary. They will know that the benefits that will accrue from these activities will be enjoyed by all.
Honesty will make me be able to manage the process of development but not the people (Fredrick, n.d). This will be evident because the residents will own the policies and guidelines that will be designed to achieve the set targets. The acts of being honest in our ideas and in the designing of the policies will be entrenched to everybody and this will ensure efficiency and accountability to everybody in their respective areas of operation.
Honesty will also make me design a strategy focused on the objectives that will be attained when the development projects we shall carry out will be complete. The various community residents will be tasked with coming up with their own methods of attaining the desired objectives. This will therefore give me a lot of reprieve because I will not be micro managing the duties and activities that we shall be engaged in. This will further create a lot of cohesion among the members of the community and promote harmony and even when other issues affecting the community come up they will be tackled the same way. The collegial model of organizational behavior shows that where there is teamwork, partnership and self-discipline there will be self-actualization of the desired objectives. (Bernard, n.d)
Honesty will make me be able to continuously manage the change that will be brought to the community. This is because the trust the people will have in me will make it easier for me to hold meetings and forums with them and they will feel free to express their suggestions, beliefs and understandings of the various societal dynamics that are continuously changing. This will give me an opportunity to give them the current trends and they will give my input weight because am their leader. This will eventually make it easier for me to change their perceptions and beliefs so as to accommodate what will be in our strategy for development. It will be easier for me to sell my vision to them without encountering much resistance.
Honesty will also encourage me and others to self-manage ourselves in the performance of the various roles as they will be set out in our strategy. This is through the setting of individual targets that one must accomplish within a given timeline. This will lead to mobilization of the required resources within the shortest time and this will lead to efficiency. The residents will appreciate the leadership and make them have a lot of confidence in it.
Therefore the virtue of being honest brings a lot of reliability and acceptability of one’s personality and ideas to the general public ( Johanes, n.d) and is a very vital instrument in leadership. It creates a lot of satisfaction and confidence to those who are being led and they also reciprocate by giving the leader full support through continued contribution to ideas and ideals that are in place.
This is the act of boldness in confronting fear in the face of implementing procedures that are unknown to many and you want their support. Having this character will enable me to lead from the front. This will enable those who may doubt the initiative seek answers to their concerns which may genuine.
The above character is manifested in my vision of coming up with a clear developmental agenda which was embraced by all. This followed many consultative meetings with the relevant stakeholders and it was not an easy ride convincing them to back me in my ideas. There was also a lot of competition from other interested aspirants and I had to inform the residents why I was the best and not the others.
In the field of aspirants were those who had a lot of money and were able to mount very expensive campaigns and they looked undefeatable. They also had very influential connections in the government and in the local authorities. But my campaign informed most people that any leader who based his campaigns on power and authority could not deliver the required results because that would just result to minimum achievement of the desired results. According to Gordon (1995) any leaders who use their economic might to influence decisions never bring about the desired change. This is also explained in the autocratic model of organizational behavior. This is because the people to whom these desired changes will have a direct impact are never given a chance to own the process. The ideas to be implemented must be conceived from the people’s experiences over the years. This was after holding several sessions with the public where I gave them each and every detail of what I intend to do. Despite initial heart breaks of whether I would ever convince anybody to accept my ideas, I soldiered on courageously without the fear of failure.
I showed my respect to the people by explaining my vision to them well in advance and I did not rely on any propaganda or creating illusions in anybody’s mind to sell my ideas. In all the forums that we have org...
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