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Week 8 Research: Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

Question 2: Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility
Instructions: Ethics has been broadly defined as concerning certain issues or situations as being fair/unfair, right/wrong, or just/unjust according to the values adopted by a given culture or society. These values act as the acceptable standards developed and nurtured by society. As societies have developed and become more knowledge-oriented and socially alert, the need for social responsibility has increased. According to Davis and Blomstrom (1975), social responsibility is “the obligation of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the welfare of society as a whole along with their own interests” (p. 39).
You have studied a variety of social problems and issues.
• Identify and discuss the top five (5) ethical issues confronting your field of study.(MANAGEMENT)
• After you have briefly addressed each ethical issue, then rank them according to the literature in your field of study and/or by the importance placed upon them by the current media. As you rank them, please document your sources and justification for the ranking. 
• Analyze each ethical issue according to its impact on the field, relevance to the current and future stakeholders in the field, and make any and all recommendations for improving such ethical issues, situations or dilemmas that impact your field of study. During this analysis, please consider the issue of social responsibility and how leaders in your field have addressed these ethical issues.

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Ethics refers to a structure of moral principles that affects how different individuals make decisions. Basically, it is concerned with what is best for the society and individuals. There different ethical issues faced by people in the field of business especially management. The different ethical issues are ranked in the following order:
1 Equity,
2 Rights,
3 Honesty,
4 Corporate power, and
5 Governance.
Equity rights can be seen in employees' behaviors are one of the ethical issues in management. For instance, it involves factors such as, can an employee have time to do her personal stuff such as reading their mails. Secondly, how can a manager tackle claims of harassment and when can a manager promote an employee (Jamnik, 2011).
To add to employee behavior, there are several ethical matters that the business fraternity needs to consider. For example, the employers must compensate the employees for all the time they have spent working. If employees work for extra hours they should be paid for the extra time. Employers should ensure that employees work under conditions that are safe for them. For example, wearing safety clothing when employees are handling harmful chemical is vital. Some organizations choose to evade safety measures, training and equipment to save money. People in the field of business can help in prevention of unethical practices by putting in place clear standards that govern the behavior policies for all employees at different levels. As noted by CITATION Pet12 \l 1033 (Fleming, 2012), treating employees in the right manner shows an organization has social responsibilities.
Another major issue about ethical issues is compliance and government issues CITATION Mar13 \l 1033 (Gonzalez-Perez & Leonard, 2013). All businesses are required to observe the environmental laws set, state regulations on safety federal regulations as well. Fiscal and monetary regulations should also be observed. Paying taxes as required also implies compliance with the laws set by the government. Paying of taxes is a sign of showing that an organization is socially responsible as the taxes paid are used for the benefit of everyone in the society. When an organization observes all the set laws and policies it creates good public relations which in turn market the organization. Many times there arises a conflict of interest where someone has to decide between putting their own personal interests first and putting first the interest of others. For instance, a manager of an organization should ensure that the company is profitable so that the shareholders realize returns from their investment. Thus a manager is responsible to the investors.
However, if a manager makes decisions that benefit him in terms of money and power and he fails to benefit the company then a conflict of interest arises CITATION Rei08 \l 1033 (Reinhard, Stavins, & Vietor, 2008). To deal with such kind of conflicts all employees should be in a position to separate business activities from their own personal interests. Bribes in another way also bring about conflict of interest. It is considered inappropriate to gifts, payments and other favors in order to affect the outcome of a certain decision. Some organizations often observe firm gift policies, such as, Royal Bank of Canada. A bribe becomes a conflict of interest as it benefits a person at the expense of the society at large or the organization. Solution to this problem of bribe and conflict of interest is having a strong policy in position that deals with it especially legally.
Fernando (2010) holds that, honesty and fairness are strong pillars of business and relate to general beliefs of key decision makers. Normally, business people are required to adhere to the stipulated regulations and laws. Nevertheless, apart from observing the law, they are expected to treat clients, employees, competitors...
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