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Reflection: Ethics of Communication and Paralanguage

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: This assessment presents you with an opportunity to understand the conceptual, practical and strategic implications of what was learned about communication, how you communicate, and the relevance of communication within the workplace. Task: In this essay, you will reflect about what you have learned about communication during six of the modules in this course. You may pick the weeks based upon your interest in the weekly module. To successfully complete this assessment task you should answer the following reflective essay question: What did I learn from undertaking the course BUSN20017: Effective Business Communication? In answering this question, you should: Describe TWO key learning concepts from each of the six modules Describe ONE of the assigned journal articles for each of the six modules Analyse and explain how these two key concepts and journal article allowed you to better understand: Your current professional communication skills and How to improve them. You should apply all your insights and observations together by means of an application, highlighting how you think you will be able to use your leanings in your future career. Other: The essay should be a minimum of 3000 words and a maximum of 3500 words. Citations will not be necessary. The essay must be double spaced and written using fully developed paragraphs. Bullet points are not acceptable.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:

Practical and Written Assessment--Reflection Essay
In the professional setting and business, it is essential to consider that managers are prompted to present oral information. Such vocational presentations take the forms of reports written to co-workers, briefings developed for teams about projects, sales presentation that is meant to enlighten potential clients, motivational videos to employees, conference presentations during annual meetings, and training sessions to equip the employees of an organization. When the trajectory of vocational presentations are done in a correct and efficient manner delivers effective outcomes, but when done in haste and poorly, an organization is bound to waste its resources regarding finances and time. This reflective essay seeks to establish some of the fundamental principles learned about effective business communication as determined in the six modules presented in the course. To fulfill the demands of this essay, the paper will address the key learning concepts established in each of the six modules as well as an analysis and explanation of the key concepts that incorporate a better understanding of the contents of the module and its application within my current professional communicational skills.
Definition: The Ethics of Communication and Paralanguage
Two key learning concepts from module 1 are the Ethics of Communication and Paralanguage. The idea of ethical communication can be defined as an intentional communication approach centered on achieving organization's strategic and professional goals. The ethics of communication is a notion that defines the behaviors of individuals or groups that are governed by morals which impact the manner in which they communicate. In other words, the concept of ethical communication entails the moral good that is presented in the form of human communication, an aspect that incorporates the element of mass mediated communication, interpersonal communication and the digital form of communication. It is important to consider that communication ethics takes into consideration not only individuals, but businesses, professional entities, and corporations. Companies that engage in unethical communication activities are not as effective as those that consider ethical communication approaches, an aspect that denotes the need for all forms of communication to follow codes of ethics. In essence, ethical communication needs to be clear, honest, democratic, respect the audience, and be logical. The other concept is paralanguage. Paralanguage is also referred to as vocalic. As described in the module, paralanguage entails communicating by using the voice without the use of words. Common aspects of paralanguage include sighs, gasps, prosody, intonation of pitch and volume, timing, vocal quality, intensity, as well as frequency. Paralanguage influences the way that something is said. Frequency pertains to the sound’s pitch, time focusing on both the speed and duration of speech; it is how long a person talks for and how slow or quick a person speaks. Intensity is used in describing the comparative loudness of speech, whereas fluency essentially describes the flow of speech.
Journal article: one assigned journal article from Module 1 is the article by Gabbott and Hogg (2001). These authors present a synthesis of work in the disciplines of anthropology and psychology regarding non-verbal behavior and apply this knowledge to both the understanding as well as management of service encounters. The main argument or idea in this article is that non-verbal communication plays an essential role in the service encounter. The authors also point out that non-verbal communication has direct relevance in understanding person-to-person service encounters and particularly in the process of initiating, developing, and maintaining seller-buyer relationships both between and within encounters (Gabbott & Hogg, 2001).
Analysis and explanation: the two concepts and the journal article allowed me to understand my communication skills better by helping me to recognize areas where I am poor at with regard to my communication skills. In particular, they have allowed me to recognize the fact that my communication is not always ethical, and my non-verbal communication is not great either. As such, they have helped to point out the areas in my communication skills that I need to improve.
In consideration of the concepts of Ethics of Communication and Paralanguage, I will be in a position to incorporate the transmission approach of communication within my work environment as detailed in the journal article. As specified in the course learning module, the inclusion of channels remains essential in establishing the manner in which the message is dispensed. Feedback is included in this communication model, an aspect that denotes the responses garnered in a message.
Application: I will be in a position to incorporate this concept in enhancing my communication approaches as a future manager. I will ensure that messages are ethically structured and have content that are transmitted through an approach that ensures the information is encoded through a channel in which signals are adapted for transmission. I will make sure that the message sent to the receiver is clear, honest, logical and democratic.
Definition: Structure of the Presentation and Communication Apprehension
In Module 2, two notable concepts are Communication Apprehension and Analyzing the Audience. The concept of communication apprehension is understood as anxiety or fear levels in an individual that is linked to either an anticipated or real communication with other people. For instance, in a situation where a person is shortlisted for an interview, he/she may be apprehensive about engaging in the interview. In this case, it is relevant to acknowledge that the aspect of communication apprehension is perceived as an individual trait since some individuals are known to have little or no apprehension to communication. As detailed in this module, several factors affect communication apprehensions including the novelty of the situation, the levels of formality, and the status of the audience. Other factors include degree of attention from other people, conspicuousness, dissimilarity and unfamiliarity. The structure of the presentation includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The purpose of the introduction is basically to preview the presentation. It is also used in orienting the audience to the topic being discussed. The body of the presentation is made up of the main points as well as evidence supporting the thesis. Lastly, the conclusion is used in reminding the audience about what they have actually heard.
Journal article: one journal article pertaining to Module 2 is the article by Lipson and Teodorescu (2007). The main argument or idea of the authors of this article is that presentations are a vital facet of successful selling, and that for any presentation to be effective, it has to communicate to the mindset of the customer. The authors also noted that powerful presentations are essential in order to distinguish oneself and the organization and the services/products that one represents, to communicate one’s solution message in the most effectual manner, and appeal to both the emotional and logical reasons for purchasing and closing the business. But, to be effective consistently, one should powerfully communicate to the client’s mindset (Lipson & Teodorescu, 2007).
Analysis and explanation: the 2 concepts of Communication Apprehension and Analyzing the Audience and the journal article allowed me to better understand my communication skills by helping me to realize the areas that I very good at and those that I need to improve on as regard my communication skills. The concepts and the journal have allowed me to recognize that in making presentations, although I often include the introduction, body and conclusion, I often do not include all the necessary aspects in these sections. In the conclusion for instance, I sometimes fail to summarize all the points covered in the paper but only cover a few points. The concepts also allowed to understand that fear and anxiety, which sometimes I usually encounter, are common during communication. To improve my communication skills, I will strive to reduce my fear and anxiety during presentations/communication particularly public speaking, and ensure that my presentations sufficiently include introduction, body and conclusion.
The aspect of communication apprehension as detailed in this course module material is a key element that is associated with public speaking. However, due to fear and/or anxiety, not every manager is in a position to speak to many people, especially in the presentation of speeches directed towards informing the public about a company. This is clearly as a result of communication apprehension, an issue that arises from some issues described in this module. Firstly, individuals may have increased levels of uncertainty and anxiety since they do not know how to act. Additionally, the element of communication apprehension is likely to increase in formalized situations in consideration of narrower confines in a bid to exhibit an acceptable behavior.
Application: In review of my ambitions to work in some of the multinational companies as a manager, the element of communication apprehension remains one of the factors that may inhibit my communication thanks to a number of factors such as the novelty of the situation, the levels of formality, and the status of the audience. However, in preparing myself to overcome these challenges, I will practice on how to make presentations on intrapersonal communication. There will be a need to familiarize with the situations in a bid to minimize surprises and to relax myself before presentations. In making the presentations, I will ensure there is an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
Definition: Analyzing Academic and Professional Writing
In the third module, two crucial concepts that were learned are Analyzing Academic Writing and Analyzing Professional Writing. Business and academic writing are different in a number of aspects. While the primary purpose of professional business communication pertains to the coordination of people and organizational processes within an organization, academic writing is generally utilized to serve the purpose of promoting the process of learning and in demonstrating what one has learned. The development of high-quality written documents is an essential factor in enhancing one’s professional image as well as that of an organization in ensuring that organizational processes run smoothly and in a systematic manner. Within the business context the writer has a greater level of control with regard to what he is writing. Within the academic context, however, the author has less control given that the topic is in fact determined by the tutor. Moreover, documents in the business context may be authored by various writers, whereas in academic writing, there is only a single author in most instances.
Journal article: the journal article covered in Module 3 and is applicable to the two concepts is the journal written by Zorn and Campbell (2006). Business and academic writing may sometimes require the author to conduct a literature review. In this article, these two authors demonstrate a technique for tutoring learners some of the major methods for writing literature reviews. In particular, they give emphasis to the challenge of synthesizing many information sources into one logical analysis of literature. The main idea in this article include the reasons for conducting a literature review, common problems in writing literature reviews, and features of literature reviews that are well-written (Zorn & Campbell, 2006).
Analysis and explanation: the two concepts of Analyzing Academic Writing and Analyzing Professional Writing and the journal article allowed me to understand my communication skills better as they have helped to recognize how good/bad my academic and professional business writing skills are, and how I may improve these...
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