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Ethics and Decision-Making in the VA Healthcare System

Essay Instructions:

Ethics and Decision-Making in the VA Healthcare System
Course Outcome
HS450-5: Evaluate the impact of ethical decision-making on healthcare leadership to maximize strategic planning.
Unit Outcomes
Discuss the principles of ethics and medical professionalism in strategic planning.
Examine the role of leaders in ethical decision-making and problem-solving strategies in the U.S. health system.
GEL-7.05: Analyze the effects of ethical decision making on the field of study.
Unit 8 Assignment Case Study: Problems at the VA Health System
In 2009, President Barack Obama appointed retired Army Chief of Staff, General Eric Shinseki, to the position of secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), the federal department responsible for providing healthcare and federal benefits to U.S. veterans and dependents. As part of its strategic plan, Secretary Shinseki was tasked with implementing 16 major initiatives to bring the VA into the 21st century. One of the 16 initiatives was the enhancement of the veteran’s experience with and access to healthcare.
In 2013, CNN was among the news outlets reporting that veterans were experiencing delayed care at the Williams Jennings Bryan Dorn Veterans Medical Center in Columbia, SC. In fact, the delays were so serious that six veterans died while waiting for months to receive necessary diagnostic procedures. The VA launched an investigation into the GI clinic at Dorn and found several issues, including low staff census; leadership turnover that resulted in a lack of understanding of roles, responsibilities and system processes; and ineffective program coordination. Allegations of long wait times also emerged from VA facilities in Arizona, Pittsburgh, and the Phoenix VA Health Care System. Delays, however, were not the only shortcomings alleged. In the Phoenix VA Health Care System, for instance, there were claims of manipulated patient wait times, bad scheduling practices, and patient deaths.
In 2014, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) launched an investigation into these allegations. Two questions were addressed in this review:
Did the facility’s electronic wait list (EWL) purposely omit the names of veterans waiting for care and, if so, at whose direction?
Were the deaths of any of these veterans related to delays in care?
The investigators confirmed “inappropriate scheduling issues throughout the VA and health care system” (VA 2014, iii).
In the Phoenix VA, specifically, investigators found that 1,400 veterans did not have a primary care
appointment but were listed on the EWL. It was also determined that 1,700 veterans were waiting for a primary care appointment but were not listed on the EWL. Because veterans were not on the EWL system, the Phoenix leadership significantly understated the time new patients waited for the appointments. The investigators found that the average wait time was 115 days for the first primary care appointment and about 84 percent of these patients waited more than 14 days.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) identified multiple types of scheduling practices that were not in compliance with Veterans Health Administration policy. Since the multiple lists found were something other than the official EWL, the additional lists may be the basis for allegations of “secret” wait lists.
Secretary Shinseki called the findings “reprehensible” and resigned from his post on May 30, 2014.
Case Study Questions
From a leadership perspective, analyze the problems at the VA relative to ethical decision-making practices.
Discuss the ethical issue of having 1,700 veterans, who were not listed on the EWL, wait for a primary care appointment at the Phoenix VA. Create at least two (2) policies/standards to ensure ethical leadership practices with respect to improving coordination of the EWL and primary care appointments.
Explain why Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned his position. Identify at least two (2) alternative options that Secretary Shinseki could have taken to resolve the unethical decision-making practices in this case study.
Apply the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics to the VA Health System case study.
Please complete Assignment in a Microsoft Word® document.
The body of your document should be at least 1500 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least four credible sources.
APA format is required.
For support, access the Writing Center or the Resources Documents found in Doc Sharing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics in Decision Making
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Ethics in Decision Making
Ethics remains a vital tool in healthcare decision-making, especially in contemporary society where conflicting interests can lead to poor decisions. Observing ethical guidelines in making decisions generates and sustains trust among stakeholders in the industry. The other values that come with reliance on ethics in decision-making include a demonstration of care, fairness, responsibility, and respect. Stakeholders in healthcare who are tasked with policymaking and implementation should employ ethical guidelines to deliver the best outcomes. In this paper, emphasis is put on ethical decision-making in healthcare with an insight into the 2013 problems at the VA health system that majorly stemmed from unethical decision-making approaches. Analyzing the VA health system case gives an insight into the value of policies to oversee decisions in technologies and structures aimed at addressing various healthcare decision concerns.
Overview of the Case
The VA healthcare system was a center of attention in 2013, following a range of mishaps ranging from systemic decisions to policies. Having noted the lackluster characteristics of the veteran affairs healthcare system, the Obama administration appointed General Eric Shinseki to initiate an overhaul that would primarily eliminate challenges with poor access to care by the veterans. An expose in 2013 by CNN would trigger a series of investigations, starting from the GI clinic at Dorn, which would unearth some of the challenges with VA healthcare systems. Leadership turnover, practitioner shortages, poor program coordination, and delays marred the systems. The outcomes of the challenges were partly deaths and extreme delays in attending to various healthcare needs. The case outlines a range of policy and ethical challenges that should have been addressed to eliminate the ill outcomes.
Problems at VA from a Leadership Perspective
Leaders should be the custodians of ethical decision-making practices if systems deliver the utmost outcomes to the stakeholders. Properly led institutions make ethically sound decisions consistent with a demonstration of care, responsibility, fairness, and respect (Haddiya, Janfi, & Guedira, 2020). It is from such inputs of leaders that systems and institutions generate and master the trust of their beneficiaries. To that effect, the first problem at VA was that leadership was not caring. Eric Shinseki was tasked with making decisions that would lead to better care outcomes for the veterans. However, three years into the appointment, nothing had changed. From the expose, VA health systems all over the country had become worse in attending to the various needs of the veterans. As a caring leader, Shinseki should have set goals to determine the impacts and the achievement of the 16 objectives of the overhaul task. That is evident in just how much uninformed Eric Shinseki was at the delivery of the expose.
The other notable problem with the VA system issue was a lack of adherence to an ethical decision-making process. An ethical decision-making process stems from understanding the problem, which was poor access to the services by the veterans (Haddiya, Janfi, & Guedira, 2020). From the identification of the problem, stakeholders must assess different solutions to the problem. As noted, the solution was an overhaul of the system. That should have been followed with proper evaluation of the systems. Any problems unearthed during the evaluation process would be addressed either through a new process using contingency strategies. Following the process would have let the policymakers locate the problems early enough and address them before the media exposed them. The leaders delayed taking the evaluator's responsibility leading to the failure of the systems.
Ultimately, there was a problem with communication. Every leadership efficiency begins with proper communication among the stakeholders. The Department of Veteran Affairs, through its leader, did not communicate with any of the VA facilities in the nation. The department did not record feedback from the facilities to ascertain the challenges that the facilities underwent. After such a largescale overhaul, it would be necessary that the department collaborated with stakeholders to understand the implementation process. With the leaders not communicating with the beneficiaries of the health systems, failures were inevitable. Challenges such as leadership turnovers, delays with EWL, and manipulation of the systems would have been handled were there a strategic feedback system through which the entire ministry would communicate.
Ethical Issue of Waiting for Primary Appointment
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) code of ethics defines responsibility to patients, and others served as having been violated in the VA case. ACHE (2017) outlines the responsibility of executives as vital to executing ethical decisions and practices. Avoiding the responsibilities to patients and others served amounts to a violation of the practice. In the case of VA, the leaders were responsible for ensuring the existence of a process to evaluate the quality of care and service rendered. One thousand seven hundred veterans were not listed on the system and waited longer than necessary to receive the services. That was a show of irresponsible leadersh...
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