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Ethical vs. Unethical Negotiations and the Criticality of Communication

Essay Instructions:

For this discussion, please take some time to reflect upon two specific concepts you learned in this course. What are the specific concepts? What insight or ideas did you gain from learning each of these concepts? Were there aspects of the concepts that you would challenge? How (specifically) will you use this new wisdom in your current or future career? (Project manager)

In order to earn maximum credit, the comment should be more than your opinion, and more than a quick “off the top of your head” response. Be sure to support your statements with peer-reviewed sources; cite sources properly both within the text of the post and also at the end of the post in a formal reference list. The response must be a minimum of 500-750 words.

Module 1 Topic: Ethical vs. Unethical Negotiations: Dancing on the Slippery Slope

Module 2 Topic: The Effects of Gender on Negotiations

Module 3 Topic: The Criticality of Communication

Module 4 Topic: When Negotiations Fail: BATNA

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NCM 512 Reflection Discussion
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NCM 512 Reflection Discussion
Negotiation is a popular method for individuals to cope with their differences and several challenges they experience. People try to address several instances in business and daily life using negotiations. It develops a basic component of human interaction, particularly in the business environment. Fleck et al. (2016) echo the elements of appropriate and inappropriate competitive negotiation tactics, reflecting the aspects that negotiators need to evade to steer ethical interactions. This paper reflects upon elements of ethical and unethical negotiation; and the criticality of communication I learned from the course.
Trust is one of the essential ethical elements in negotiation. It helps in identifying the perception of integrity and honesty of the two parties. Using inappropriate competitive tactics during the primary negotiation phases ignites a rift between the parties (Fleck et al., 2016). These elements indicate that continuing communication is more likely to be considered uncooperative and unkind engagements. To boost ethical negotiations, it is essential to reduce counterproductive emotions. Thus, whenever a negotiator has strong feelings concerning the outcome, it is vital to negotiate with facts. A planned negotiation is essential in accelerating confidence and creating more effective negotiations. It is also important to be truthful without ambiguity, honor your promises, and respect relationships. Besides, non-verbal communication is also essential in negotiation. Skilled negotiators usually use observation and listening strategies to analyze the communication package. Watching and deducing non-verbal from your negotiator can help you identify their hidden feelings. These elements are vital for an ethical negotiation.
Communication is critical for business success, irrespective of the organization's size. A business that has incorporated good communication tends to be very productive, while poor com...
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