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Assignment 2: Ethical and Socially Responsive Business

Essay Instructions:

Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how they address problems. For this assignment, you must select the code of ethical conduct for one (1) of the following restaurants:
Cheesecake Factory (http://investors(dot)thecheesecakefactory(dot)com/phoenix.zhtml?c=109258&p=irol-govconduct)
Ruby Tuesday (http://phx(dot)corporate-ir(dot)net/phoenix.zhtml?c=83799&p=irol-govHighlights)
Chipotle (http://ir(dot)chipotle(dot)com/phoenix.zhtml?c=194775&p=irol-govConduct)
As a basis for your written assignment, you will assume that you are the CEO of your chosen restaurant. Be sure to identify the restaurant you have chosen in your written paper.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
Describe key areas of the selected company's code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why.
Explain the key steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct.
Suggest three (3) ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates.
Use at least two (2) quality resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as a quality resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibilities in business.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in business.
Write clearly and concisely about business issues using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
The restaurant industry is quite sensitive and requires that companies have quality standards relative to ethical practices by all the staffs. This means that the ethical code of conduct for the companies in the restaurant industry have to reflect their commitment to quality services to the customers and the same should be extended to the employees and the shareholders ("Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct", 2016). There are a number of ethical standards that are quite important for the Cheesecake Factory, which define the company and set it apart from the rest of the players in the industry.
One of the most important elements of the code of conducts for the company relates to general standard of conduct. There are several aspects that have been captured in this code that relate to the dignity and respect. Given that the company has establishments across the globe and they also have multicultural working environments, there is need for all the staff to adapt this attribute. Recent developments have led to people from different cultural backgrounds coming to the company relative to the talents. It is important that the company maintain high level of respect and dignity directed towards all staffs regardless of their cultural background ("Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct", 2016). The company has made massive efforts to embrace diversity which is a crucial element relative to the fact that the industry is highly dynamic and largely reflects the international labor trends such as multicultural diversity. The other ethical code that is crucial for the company relative to the industry, is that of compliance with the laws. Different countries have different laws for the restaurant industry. At the same time, the enforcement levels and the implications vary. As such, it is crucial for the company to set a standard where all their establishments embrace the law to avoid negative consequences that come with breaking the law. At the same time it is crucial for the company to be law abiding as part of the ethical obligation. The third aspect of the code of conduct that is crucial to the company and has significance in the industry is related to the confidential information belonging to the company ("Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct", 2016). Divulging confidential information belonging to the company is largely unethical and one that could implications beyond the company and to the clients. Some of the information regards the stakeholders, the company’s plans and strategies among other sensitive information that could be used by the com...
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