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Ethical issues

Essay Instructions:


In this module 5 SLP assignment, you will analyze the ethical issue you have identified through the lens of normative ethics – the utilitarian and deontological (right/duties) approaches to ethical decision making. Based on your analysis, you will recommend what decision the company should make.

You have been practicing analyzing issues through the lens of normative ethics in the case assignments, but you may want to review the background material including the videos before doing your analysis for this module 5 SLP assignment.


Please write a two to three page paper, not including cover page and reference page, analyzing the ethical issue you have identified. Be sure to frame your analysis in terms of the utilitarian and deontological (rights/duties) approaches. Once you have done your analysis, recommend what business decision your company should make.

General Expectations

Your paper should be double-spaced with 12-point font.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.

Use APA-style.

Be sure to proofread your paper.

Upload your paper to Coursenet by the end of the module.

Watch this video on Workplace Safety:



Watch this video related to Obesity in the Workplace:


 Required Readings

Fed up with fat; With rising healthcare costs linked to obesity, slimmer people are saying enough already. . Jameson, Marni, Los Angeles Times, [Los Angeles, Calif] 01 Feb 2010: E.1. Retrieved August 27, 2012 from Proquest.

Should your choices cost you? use prevention and support, not penalties. (2012, Jun 03). Denver Post, pp. 6-D.6. Retrieved August 27, 2012 from Proquest.

Optional Readings

The following is a list of sites relating to workplace safety.  Refer to them as you deem necessary.  The case assignment for this module is a complicated one.  I want you to search the web for information related to the case.  While the background information for this module is entirely optional, you will find it a useful place to start in your case research. 

Please refer to the OSHA website Click here: OSHA. Retrieved November 27, 2012 from http://www(dot)osha(dot)gov/

Check out their site at NIOSH. Retrieved November 27, 2012 from http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/niosh/homepage.html see especially an update on obesity

Some resources are here (2007). Retrieved November 27, 2012 from http://www(dot)safetyonline(dot)com/content/homepage/default.asp?VNETCOOKIE=NO 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical issues
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with meaning of many aspects that concern human behavior. Normative ethics – sometimes referred to as theoretical ethics, is discovering and discerning right and wrong. It is concerned with how we develop principles that we use to guide meaningful decision-making. This type of ethics is remarkably intelligent and rational in nature. It is the reflection of how human behavior considers what is wrong, just or unjust and good or bad.
In business, ethics is quite practical. Business ethics would be best understood as applied ethics – applying the value of human behavior, relationships and the meaning resulting as a discipline. In other words, it is the practice of the discipline in the field of enterprise of wealth creation, which is the basic role of business.
Business ethics are viewed in three ways, the personal, professional and corporate ethics. The three are interrelated even though they are based on slightly different principles. Therefore, in totality, business ethics will be looked at from three different perspectives, the personal perspective, the professional perspective and the large scale of the corporate perspective.
Since ethics is fundamentally a discipline, the business managerial is also engaged in the discipline whether consciously or unconsciously. In this paper, we will look at two of the four ethical approaches that are used for making meaningful decisions: Utilitarian ethics and Deontological ethics the first being outcome based and the latter is duty based. The two approaches have distinctive ways of raising and solving...
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