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Ethical Failure and Transformation of the Economic Model of Alphabet

Essay Instructions:

My Assigned Company

(The number corresponds to your group number in Canvas / People / Final Paper)

NOTE: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment – not a group assignment! The number below and in Canvas indicates for which company I expect to receive your individual analysis.

1. Alphabet (Google) – antitrust activities resulted in European Union fine (see https://www(dot)reuters(dot)com/technology/eu-court-upholds-eu-antitrust-ruling-against-google- 2021-11-10/)

You will be assigned, at random, a specific company. You must write your paper on this company. Prepare and submit an individual analytical paper that achieves the following:

1. Provide a brief introduction of the organization, including its industry or line of business, and product or service. Assume that the reader does not know this business.

2. Research the situation summarized below regarding the organization’s ethical failure. Offer a brief explanation of what happened, and your thoughts on the cause(s) of this ethical failure.

3. Imagine that due to this situation, the CEO and board of this company decide to transform from an economic model toward a stakeholder or integrative model of corporate social responsibility. They ask you to provide an executive summary of which model the company should use, and what this new direction might look like.

Some questions you should answer include:

a. Which CSR model more appropriately fits the business’s mission and values?

b. Are there stakeholders on whom the business should focus in this new direction?

c. Which ethical philosophical frameworks do you believe should guide the business leaders? Why?

d. Identify a potential program, activity or strategy that the business should take up in advancing this new direction.

e. How would this new direction reflect upon and/or address the ethical failure(s) discussed above?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics: Alphabet
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Business Ethics: Alphabet
Alphabet is a conglomerate that comprises diverse business companies, with Google being the largest of them all. When the company came into existence, Larry Page was the company’s CEO, while Sergey was the president (Page, n.d.). The two settled for the name Alphabet because a collection of letters represents language, which is one of the most crucial innovations by humankind. The companies that formed Alphabet engaged in business activities that were far afield and unrelated. For instance, Life Sciences worked on contact lenses that sense glucose, while Calico focused on longevity. The CEO and the president intended, from the outset, to give strong leaders autonomy to bring about prosperity in their businesses. The two also pledged to be at hand to ensure the leaders get capital allocation to facilitate excellent execution by the different companies. According to the former CEO, the fundamental goal of the new company was to become cleaner, more accountable, and better. They also intended to improve transparency and oversight of the company’s activities (Page, n.d.). More importantly, they hoped the company would improve the lives of as many people as possible. To make their objectives realistic, the two leaders oversaw that each company had an able and well-remunerated CEO.
The two leaders wanted to use the new structure to focus on the tremendous opportunities they had inside Google. Regarding the overall leadership of Alphabet, Page and Sergey settled for Sundar Pichai as the new CEO (Page, n.d.). Page described Sundar as an exceptionally talented person who would steer the company to new horizons by focusing on innovation. The former CEO expressed confidence that Sundar would help the company realize its objective of organizing the world’s information. Before handing over the reins of leadership to the new leader, the former CEO also rolled out Alphabet’s strategic plan. He intimated that the company. He intimated that the company would engage in new undertakings, such as an X lab and drone efforts. He also revealed that Alphabet Inc. would replace Google Inc. as a publicly-traded company.
Ethical Failure
In 2017, competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager found Google guilty of using its own comparison shopping service to attain an unfair advantage over smaller European companies. She consequently fined the company a whopping 2.42 billion Euros (Aulner & Chee, 2021). Google appealed against the decision and lost in 2021. According to the commission, the company had grossly violated the antitrust policy, which regulates competition. It had favored its own online display advertising technology services. This was detrimental to other providers of advertising technology services and online publishers (European Commission, 2021). Competitors contended that Google did not facilitate fairness nor provide a level-playing ground in the supply chain. Some of the accusations that confronted Google included imposing restrictions on the ability of third parties to access user identity data or behavior. The company had also planned to prohibit the display of third-party "cookies" on chrome.
One of the reasons why Google engaged in ethical failure was to perpetuate its monopoly in the search advertising market. From whichever angle one looks at it, monopoly is fuelled by greed and is disastrous to all stakeholders. Ideally, when companies face technological changes, they should adapt instead of fighting against them (The New York Times, 2020). However, the contrary happens in a situation where a monopoly is involved because instead of adapting to change, it fights back. Monopolies do everything in the book to maximize profits. They suppress their competitors to ensure they keep prices unreasonably high. This must have been the fundamental reason why Google engaged in the ethical failure.
Transformation of the Economic Model
Given that one of the business missions of Alphabet is to improve the lives of as many people as possible, I suggest that the company adopts the stakeholder theory. The theory dictates that a company lists and describes the groups and individuals its actions would impact and to what extent. In addition, the company should also evaluate the legitimate claim on the business those affected have. The company should also reflect upon the rights ...
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