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Ethical Base Business & Marketing Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

*Now where or who did you get your ethical base from?

*Was there a person or an event that formed your ethical beliefs?

*Tell us of it or him or her!

*Be as detailed as possible as how we form our individual ethical beliefs is essential knowledge.

*In addition, if you care to was there a person or event that you decided you would not model yourself by it or him or her?

*Really think this one out gang. It is not an easy question and we need to dig deep to find who or what formed our ethical code.

*Your paper should be at least 3 pages long and use a creative title.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing Ethical Base and Moral Values in One’s Life
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Developing Ethical Base and Moral Values in one’s life
The ethics are based on the wrong and right conduct of a person, department, or system. Ethics deal with the perspectives of morality as a branch of philosophy. The person's behaviors in a particular situation play a vital role in forming an ethical base (Latta et al., 2020). As an individual, my ethical values are influenced by the dynamic personality and struggles of Nelson Mandela. This transformational leader is a symbol of political freedom, humanism, and political decency for people worldwide.
Formation of Forgiveness and Piece Ethical Belief
As a country, South Africa continued to face racial discrimination and denied blacks the right to vote until Mandela conducted negotiations with the president after prison release. It played a significant role in conducting multi-racial elections during the year 1994. The most significant ethical base and the component of Nelson Mandela's personality is promoting forgiveness and peace. As a leader, Mandela overcame personal grievances and anger and established Truth and Reconciliations Commission for investigating human rights violations. The African liberation movement's failure and the moral corruption of political leaders negatively impacted the African economy (Sewpaul, 2016). I form our individual ethical beliefs from the personality which influences the global society and culture. I draw a great deal of inspiration and ethical base from Nelson Mandela, who is considered as a role model by me in developing strong ethical and moral values in my personality. I am keen on forgiving people that have done injustices to me in the past. There have been people in my personal life that have played a role in discrediting me for my academic achievements. In a team-based project which was assigned during coursework, an individual discredited my work. The particular person presented my part as one's work, which resulted in me securing fewer marks in the entire course. It was an unethical act on the person's part, but I drew my inspiration from Mandela and forgave the person and did not report the matter to the higher authorities. Later on, things were settled between the person and me as our relationships normalized.
Moral Leadership and Ethical Belief
The moral leadership of Nelson Mandela is a role model for me as a person, as the dynamic leadership of Mandela played a role in turning the apartheid struggle into the moral struggle. The initiative took my Mandela to fight against institutionalized racial segregation transf...
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