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Environmental Pressures

Essay Instructions:

Must pass turn it in. 

Use the organization where you currently work or one where you may have worked as a point of reference for evaluating environmental and organizational pressures.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Create a table where at least three (3) organizational pressures and at least three (3) environmental pressures in the organization are illustrated and rank those pressures according to their influence.

Describe in detail the environmental and organizational pressures that exist in the organization and how they have evolved over time.

Explain how the identified environmental and organizational pressures impact the company from a financial perspective.

Explain how the identified environmental and organizational pressures impact you personally and / or the other employees of the company.

Assess how the organization has reacted to the organizational and environmental pressures identified in Criterion 1.

Propose at least one (1) strategy that could be utilized to reduce one (1) of the environmental pressures identified in Criterion 1 and at least one (1) strategy that could be utilized to reduce one (1) of the organizational pressures identified in Criterion 1.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Environmental Pressures

For the mid size fast food company, Ibis hotel, there are a lot of pressures that have to be dealt with on a daily basis, especially in the last few months. While some of the pressures have redefined the targets and the future goals of the company, there are a lot of benefits to be reaped from the trends and the strategies that have been implemented and those that are yet to be laid out. As the level of competition increases and the environmental awareness on the country increases, there is a lot of pressure on the firm to change a few elements of its operations. As a result, the company has been under immense company al and environmental pressures (Rajeshwari & Kavitha, 2012).
Table 1 of 1
Environmental pressuresPressures Level of influence Reduce electricity costs High Introduce recycling techniquesMedium Reducing transport pollution Low 
Evolution of the Environmental Pressures
Ibis hotel started five years ago with only one store and three employees, majoring in French fries, sodas, fresh juice, doughnuts, cakes, coffee, tea and chocolate drinks. At the moment, the hotel management runs eleven stores, with over twenty five products foe the customers to choose from and one hundred and fifty employees to serve the clients (Kagan, Gunningham, & Thornton, 2003).
In light of the environmental pressures, over time the environmental policies have become more stringent. There are more requirement to be fulfilled than there was five years ago. As a company objective, the management is implementing some of the strategies that will enable the company focus on green economy. The electricity costs have increased over the years as more equipments are acquired and more branches are launched. As such, there is need for green energy initiatives to spearhead the environmentally sustainable practices (Kagan, Gunningham, & Thornton, 2003). Majority of the waste that the stores generate can be recycled and have in the past been dumped as waste. As the company embraces the environmental sustainability initiatives, recycling practices are going to be integrated into the waste disposal mechanisms of the various stores. As the company stores have increased, most of the raw material and other supplies have been sourced from great distances. However, the company is initiating a program, where most of the supplies can be sourced from close quarters available to reduce the costs of transportation and pollution of the air and generally environmental degradation (Rajeshwari & Kavitha, 2012).
Financial Impacts of Environmental Pressures
Over the last two years, the cost of electricity at the company has been increasing steadily and now stands at 30% more than it was two years ago. The cost of transportation has also increased by 15%, over the last one year due to the fluctuating oil prices in the country. Additionally, the cost of new hires has been on the rise, as most of the experienced staffs have been poached by the upcoming hotels (Kagan, Gunningham, & Thornton, 2003). This has increased the cost of new hires by more than 7% given that the management has to hire new employees every time an experienced one leaves the company. This means that the new hires have to be taken through intensive training before they can comfortably handle their duties. At the same time, the customers have been awkwardly had to keep track of their favorite staffs. This is increasing the pressure level for organization given that; the customers are accustomed to the relationships they form with the staff as part of the company culture (Rajeshwari & Kavitha, 2012).
Impacts on the Employee
According to some of the staffs, the company is more focused on what they employees can do but does not consider what it can do for the staffs. Due to the strict working conditions and fewer rewards of appreciation, most of the staffs becomes demotivated as a lot of pressure falls on their performance while the management does very little to improve the working conditions. At the same time, staffs are not regularly trained meaning that their skill levels do not mu...
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