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Endangered Species Act, Adverse Possession, and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Essay Instructions:

Read the Call-of-the-Question carefully, and follow the instructions for each subject. Prepare four Briefing Papers using the APA Format for Research Papers, and upload them as one document for your responses.
Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
-Read American Needle, Inc. v. National Football League – Cheeseman text pages 459-460..
-Respond to the three Case Questions found in Cheeseman Text page 459..
-Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions as noted in the Critical Legal Thinking, Ethics, and Contemporary Business questions. Argue both sides of all issues..
Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers Instructions:
-Read United States v. Capital City Foods, Inc. - Cheeseman text page 489..
-Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on how much cooked insect and rodent parts are you willing to have in your butter..
-Provide convincing arguments for both sides of your recommendations..
Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases
-Read Sections 24.7 Endangered Species (p. 506); 25.1 Adverse Possession (p. 527); 25.5 Adverse Possession (p. 528); 22.4 Resale Price Maintenance (pp. 471-472); and 23.7 Fair Debt Collection (p. 491)..
-Check the decisions of the highest appellate courts, if a case is cited, for each fact pattern..
-Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on whether each of the subjects affect business in the United States and if so, provide the worst and best case scenarios..
Briefing Paper 4: Ethics Case
-Read Section 22.9 Ethics – Cheeseman text page 473..
-Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on the 3 questions found at the end of Section 22.9. Argue both sides of all issues..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business law
1] Critical legal thinking-
American Needle Inc vs. National League
Firms in a joint venture are affected by section 1 of Sherman Act, depending on where they engage in anti-competitive practices, whether they collaborate as independent entities or a single firm. The Sherman Act forbids attempts to restrain trade and monopolization. The actions of a joint venture may not necessarily be illegal but may harm competitiveness. There was no unethical conduct in this case since the NFLP and NFL merely made a business decision through joint activity to serve the interests of all the stakeholders. The joint ventures have some form of restraints on competition between a joint venture and parent or the parents. The Case of American Needle highlighted on that the functional characteristics of the parties to a joint venture are considered to determine the case of collaborations among competitors (Miller & Jentz, 2014).
2] Law case with answers- United States v. Capital City Foods, Inc
The Food and Drug Administration lodged a case against Capital City Foods, Inc having found fragments of insects and hair arguing that the company's butter was adulterated and hence violated provisions of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Cheeseman, 2013). The government was overzealous in an attempt to find out whether Capital City Foods, Inc complied with regulations, and there was no clarity on whether only the small sample was likely to contain the foreign particles from insect or rodents. The Case demonstrated that the environment may cause the contamination, even when a manufacturer has undertaken reasonable measures to ensure food safety. If informed about the presence of cooked insect and rodent parts in butter, I then would accept when there is certification that the foreign parts are minimal and have no negative health implications. However, there is a need to get more information from the FDA based on the information that they have gathered.
3] Critical legal thinking case
24.7 Endangered Species (p. 506); - Sierra Club v. Lyng, Secretary of Agriculture
The Forest Services charged with the protection of forest and the endangered species sought to lease some forests in Texas with a view of providing timber (Cheeseman, 2013). However, the red-cockaded woodpecker, found in US South depends on pine trees would likely have been endangered by this action. Sierra Club an environmental group was an interested party in the suit that stating the actions of the defendant violated provisions of Endangered Species Act. The Court held that preserving the endangered species was necessary and even had unforeseen benefits when there were some restrictions to clear cutting.
Adverse Possession Witt v. Miller
Edward and Mary Shaughnessy sold land to the Witt family who constructed a pool and a structure, the Shaughnessy also sold land to the Millers years later, a s...
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