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Employees Unionization and the Bargaining Process

Essay Instructions:

The employees at your organization have formed a union, and the bargaining process now begins. Write a case study in which you analyze the situation. First, begin with background information about the negotiation, and make certain to address the areas below.

Identify the state where the organization is located. Is the state a right-to-work state? If yes, explain what this means. If no, explain what this means. Why are the employees deciding to unionize? What are the mandatory bargaining subjects? Other than wages and hours, what are five other terms and conditions of employment? What are permissive bargaining subjects that will be negotiated? List at least five.

Second, you need to select members of your bargaining team. You will select four supervisors who were identified in the Unit VI Lesson. Discuss why you selected each supervisor, and compare/contrast their conflict management styles. Each supervisor must have a different conflict style. Explain how each supervisor can contribute to conflict resolution strategies used during negotiation.

Third, explain the two collective bargaining strategies, and identify which one you will recommend your team to use. Explain and support your rationale.

Finally, what will you propose happens if a labor management agreement is not reached by your team and the employee representatives?

Your case study must be a minimum of five pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You must use three academically reliable sources to support your analysis.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Case Study
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Background Information
The organization in question is located in the state of Pennsylvania. It is important to note that Pennsylvania is not a right-to-work state. This factor means that employees in Pennsylvania are not allowed to work in a unionized workplace without becoming members of the union. The workers must be part of unions and pay union fees if required. In a non-right-to-work state like Pennsylvania, unions have more power to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements. The unions achieve this goal by requiring all employees to contribute financially to fund the union's operations. Unions have been shown to help ensure the rights of workers (Amiri et al., 2019)
In this case, the employees have decided to unionize due to several factors. One of the reasons quoted is great dissatisfaction with their current working conditions. The working condition they are aggrieved about includes low wages and lack of benefits. Some also quote poor treatment by management. They might also feel that joining a union will give them collective bargaining power. Further, they feel that being in a union provides a stronger voice in negotiations with the organization's management. Unionization provides employees with an opportunity to come together and pool their resources. These factors help the unio members advocate for better working conditions and fair treatment. Enabling individuals to negotiate for improvements such as increased wages and enhanced job security is one significant capability offered through this process.
In order to facilitate fruitful discussions within this bargaining course, there are certain subjects that require compulsory consideration from both trade unions along with management representatives. Matters that must be discussed include factors like working hours, compensation packages, monetary benefits, insurance coverage, and workplace environment conditions. Furthermore, it is necessary that guidelines put forward by governing bodies be adhered to effectively. These measures ensure the efficacy of workplace dynamics, thus promoting a more positive work culture throughout an organization's workforce. It is quintessential that these said points should find representation within the negotiation process so as consistent applicability across employees at large can be affirmed. By adopting this approach, we can further support pro-employee company policies besides fostering stable relationships between labor organizations and ensuring effective compromise where applicable.
Beyond addressing wage structure along formal working standards, several other terms and conditions related to stipulations may also come into negotiation. This situation could incorporate important aspects such as providing medical support via insurance coverage. Grievance procedures help ensure employees have a fair process for addressing workplace concerns and disputes. Negotiating these terms and conditions will be essential in creating a comprehensive collective bargaining agreement that addresses the employees' needs.
In addition to mandatory subjects, there are also permissive bargaining subjects that may be negotiated. These subjects are not required by law but can be addressed if both parties agree. Some examples of permissive bargaining subjects could be improving performance evaluations and having more training programs and safety protocols. Another key issue for discussion would be disciplinary procedures. Including these subjects depends on the priorities and concerns of the negotiating parties. The union and the organization can further shape the employment relationship by addressing permissive bargaining subjects. The discussion may also establish mutually beneficial practices beyond the basic terms/ conditions.
Selecting Members of the Bargaining Team
The supervisors were selected based on their different leadership styles and conflict management approaches. A leader's leadership style greatly influences their effectiveness in handling conflicts (Rubin, 2013). The following is a discussion of selected supervisors. Supervisor A, Allen T. Rait, was chosen because of his belief in the trait leadership theory, where he attributes his effectiveness as a leader to his inherent traits. Evidence has long revealed that some leadership traits are inherent (Sandybayev, 2019). Supervisor C, Curtis Contingent, was selected because he adapts his leadership style based on the situation, aligning with contingency theories. Supervisor E, Ellie T. Action, was chosen as a transactional leader who emphasizes external rewards and recognition for employee performance. Lastly, Supervisor I, Irene B. Genuine, was selected for embodying authentic leadership. She focuses on self-awareness, transparency, and positive relationships.
Regarding conflict management styles, each supervisor has a different approach. As a tr...
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