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Efforts by Zurich to Manage Customer Experience

Essay Instructions:

Here are some articles to bring you up to speed with the concepts of Customer Experience Management and the Customer-centric organization:

Anonymous (n.d.). Providing a customer-centric service: A Zurich Case Study. The times 100 Business Case Studies. Retrieved from: http://businesscasestudies(dot)co(dot)uk/zurich/providing-a-customer-centric-service/introduction.html#axzz2LZe3EHzI

Dasu, S., & Richard, B. C. (2010). Designing the soft side of customer service. MIT Sloan Management Review, 52(1), 33-39. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Leonard, L. B., Lewis, P. C., & Stephan, H. H. (2002). Managing the total customer experience. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(3), 85-89. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Macaulay, S., & Cook, S. (2011). A customer-centric action plan. Training Journal, 14-16. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Parke, J. (2012). Managing customer expectations. Applied Clinical Trials, 21(10), 40-42,44. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Two related customer service management concepts to arise in the not too distant past include Customer Relationship Management, which focuses on forming relationships with customers in hope of forming a relationship bond to enhance future sales, and Customer Experience Management, which focuses more on the actual experience of the customer with an intent to optimize this experience. Here is an article worth reading that speaks about these two concepts, how they are related, how they are different, and provides other concepts and discussion.

Palmer, A. (2010). Customer experience management: A critical review of an emerging idea. The Journal of Services Marketing, 24(3), 196-208. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Efforts by Zurich to Manage Customer Experience
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Efforts by Zurich to Manage Customer Experience
The interaction between an organization and a customer is what produces customer experience. The concept is based upon the attraction of the customer towards the company and its services, the customer’s awareness on the company’s activities, and how much they would advocate for and also use a certain service offered within the company. Customer experience differs with the level at which a company either collaborates or relates with the customers. The Zurich financial services group has evidently made an effort to grow by focusing on the customers’’ needs and wants with respect to what satisfies them (Rouse, 2015). The Zurich financial services group has put extra effort in this regard. The paper will analyze what efforts the service group has put forth and their results.
Market Research
In an effort to increase awareness and at the same time familiarize to the expectations and preferences of its customers, the Zurich financial group of services made an effort to go out and research on the market. This move is only applicable to companies that care about what the customer thinks and needs. The effort by Zurich to research on the market was in order to learn what they can do to improve on their customer services. Their efforts to put customer preferences first led the service group to understanding their customers from a less generalized point of view.
The research was done on a continual basis in order to be at par with market trends and also obtain a competitive streak against all other competing companies (Parke, 2012). The research led to Zurich’s understanding of why customers would chose the products offered by the service group over any other competing firm. The efforts made during the research that led to accurate qualitative and quantitative analyses helped the company create realistic targets for their next yearly plans. The main finding in Zurich’s research was that the customers only appreciate being valued and understood on individual levels above everything else. The company had to develop new effective strategies after making informed decisions on pricing, distribution and the channels to use for the products (Palmer, 2010). The strategies focused on making the customer satisfied and identifying new opportunities through significant change.
Customer Satisfaction for Zurich as a Customer centric organization
The satisfaction of various customers is determined by how much the products of a given company meet or surpass their expectations. The qualities of Zurich to make an effort in gathering all sorts of data on their target market whether through primary or secondary research is a clear indication of how customer centric the company is. The metrics achieved from this move by Zurich indicated that the financial group was at the verge of highly improving their business. The company’s strategy to measure its efficiency by comparing it to the levels of customer satisfaction shows that the financial g...
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