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Effective Branding of Arlo Parks

Essay Instructions:

Please check the attached and follow the requirement below:
you will role play as a talent scout for a professional sports team, record label, or movie studio. It is your job to find the next best athlete, musician, actor/actress or social media personality and present your discover to me, the “CEO” of the respective company you work for.
Your job will be to discover an up-and-coming athlete, musician, or entertainment-related person(s) and draft a report outlining why you think they have what it takes to succeed in the entertainment industry. You must use concepts and ideas we have discussed throughout this semester.
In doing so, you need to ask yourself and answer in the paper the following:
Who are they?
What do they/he/she stand for? What is their brand?
What do they do well in their industry? What do they do poorly?
Who are their biggest competitors in the industry that are also at the same point in their careers?
Who are potential fans? What kind of people will like them? *Be specific: age, demographics, lifestyle choices, etc.
Why do you think they have what it takes to succeed?
Compile your findings in a Marketing Plan format, however, this must be a much more creative document than other marketing plans you might have done. Needs to be 5-6 pages with visuals providing examples of the branding, marketing, and strategy/career thus far of your chosen person(s). It will (at the very least) need to include the following:
Introduction  Familiarize me with who this person(s) is, their history, their story, and what they are doing to turn heads in their field
Competitive Advantage  Outline with detail what this entertainer does better than the rest
Samples of Work  You need to provide examples of their work. If they are a band, then links to music videos, photos of the band, etc. If it is a lesser known athlete, then visuals of their game, look, etc.
Current State of Affairs  Outline their social media numbers, who their fans are, etc.
The “Pitch”  Here is where you need outline why we need to work with this entertainer, and explain how you would develop their careers
The document should be 5-6 pages (of content, does not include cover pages etc.), double spaced with a table of contents, references section, and in-text citations using MLA or APA (you choose).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effective Branding of Arlo Parks
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Arlo Parks
Sport and entertainment management are some of the upcoming sectors in the world. It is an area that involves different individuals with specific talents. In contemporary society, talents are considered to be one of the areas that critically sells to the common society (Malone & Laird, 2018). It is essential to understand, manage and market the upcoming talent for individuals to be adequately incorporated in the entertainment industry. It is for this reason that it is necessary for individuals to constantly market the upcoming artists. Arlo Parks is one of the known upcoming artists in the modern entertainment field who focuses on talent consolidation and improvement. It is necessary to market people’s entertainment ideologies due to varying requirements and changes of tastes by the consumers. Consumers are becoming more concerned with the type of content that is provided to them as well as how they relate to real-life situations. For instance, in the entertainment industry, activities that are likely to provide effective business ideologies are considered the most. There are different considerations that must be addressed whenever one is dealing with different upcoming artists. It is necessary to consider their preferences and activities, which directly influence their growth. Furthermore, it is also crucial to determine their competitive advantage and pitch for effective decision-making regarding their work. It is necessary to understand specific ideologies that spearhead growth in the entertainment industry, especially those that bring monetary benefits to the artists.
Arlo Parks is a popular upcoming artist majorly known due to her uniqueness and social nature. She advocates for different humanistic rights in most of her works, a move that adequately attracts most customers and different corporate organizations. Historically, Arlo Parks 02419350Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Arlo ParksFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Arlo Parks00was born in 2000 and started singing at a younger age regardless of the different financial challenges that she faced (Nguyen, 2021). She is an international figure who strongly believes in artistic decision-making and fun. She is a solo artist and has won several awards. One of the critical awards that she has adequately achieved includes the Brit awards, which were attained in 2021 (Nguyen, 2021). This is one of the awards which have enabled her to adequately access different entertainment premises and adequate recognition. The award has also enabled her to make international links with different artists and figures globally. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the aspects which can make the artist adequately explore the entertainment industry. The success of Arlo Parks in the industry relies on her capability to convince more consumers towards her content.
Competitive Advantage
There are different activities that Arlo Parks does best than other upcoming artists, which makes her one of the best. The artist focuses on feminist ideologies. In most of her songs, she stresses the need to constantly obey the ability of a girl child in contemporary society. The activity makes most of her songs to be liked and respected by most females and girls (Nguyen, 2021). Arlo also stresses addressing poor beliefs on women and the need for equality. Like any industry, entertainment is essential in ensuring the significant growth of outraged beliefs such as reduced power among women. Therefore, due to feminist content as an upcoming artist, Arlo Parks gains more competitive advantage.
Secondly, Arlo focuses on modern content as one of her tools in gaining a competitive advantage. In the entertainment industry, content plays a significant role in whether a song will sell or not. It determines the transformative nature of individuals towards attaining growth and development in the industry. Content also enables the artist to communicate a specific concern that would attract most of the consumers towards the songs. Arlo Parks majorly focuses on the modern content and focuses less on the past content. The ideology enables her to attract most of the millennials to her songs. Additionally, she tries to consolidate both the traditional ideologies and modern ones, leadi...
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