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E-Recruiting Business

Essay Instructions:

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1.Suggest how HR professionals can use online recruiting to more effectively support recruitment activities while reducing organizational costs. 

2.Recommend four (4) strategies to mitigate the unintended consequences associated with e-Recruiting. 

3.Propose one (1) approach in which online recruitment can help ensure the employee’s psychological contracts are fulfilled. 

4.Suggest three (3) strategies you would use to attract high-quality candidates and members of diverse groups using an e-Recruitment approach. 

5.Take a stand on whether or not the attributes of a Website (attractiveness, quality, and ease of use) would affect your motivation to apply for a job at that company. Justify your position with specific examples from two (2) business Websites that you are familiar with. 

6.Propose four (4) security controls you would put into place to prevent unauthorized access to data and unauthorized disclosure of data when using e-Recruiting systems. 

7.Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hiring is one of the most sensitive aspects that the human resources has to deal with. Mainly, how well the activities of recruiting new employees, also tend to define how well the firm is going to perform. If the recruitment process is not carried out in a manner that ensures the very best candidates are brought on board, it could prove detrimental (Frost, 1997). It also happens to be quite expensive to hire new staffs to a firm and thus the human resources department has to be very careful not to stretch the budget any further. With majority of the business operations now taking to the online platforms, online recruitment has also become one of the ways that firms bring on new employees. However, this also calls for effective strategies that ensure best practices and cost effective hiring processes. At the same time the online recruitment processes have to make sure that the staffs attracted have the right skills set and fit in perfectly with the objectives of the firm and the responsibilities of the positions offered (Jansen, Jansen & Spink, 2005).
Cost Effective Online Recruitment
Online recruitment has revolutionized how the job seekers interact with the potential employers. The level of efficiency has gone up, with more opportunities for both the employer and the job seekers. For the human resources department there are strategies that they can apply to ensure that they have the most cost effective e-recruitment program while still ensuring that it is supportive. One of most cost effective strategies is through online job boards. These are online firms that specialize with e-recruitment with guaranteed results and quality of the candidates that are offered to the firms. For a small fee companies can contract the online jobs boards and get to a wide range of candidates within the country and globally (Williams & Klau, 1997). The other strategy involves creating a job description that is performance based and with clear requirement. Using this strategy the firm can attract potential applicants to the positions, having clearly indicated the goals of the firm and the responsibilities of the candidate to minimize conflict and unsuitable applicants. Additionally the firm can take advantages of the social media websites such as LinkedIn, which connects professionals in various academic and professional fields (Seitz, 2012). These are websites that have a very wide reach and free to post jobs and connect with the most appropriate candidates. In the digital age using social media websites such as Facebook and twitter is also quite productive if applied with professionalism (Seitz, 2012). Companies can post job opening s and attract a wide range of applicants that use the particular sites. These sites are practically free and will attract quite a number of potential candidates.
Unintended Consequences Associated With E-Recruiting
There are a number of challenges associated the online recruitment, some of which can be easily tackled with sustainable solutions (Frost, 1997). One of the challenges that are associated with e-recruitment is that, sometimes the candidates are too many and a majority may not even be qualified for the position. The best way to deal with this huddle is by setting up filtering mechanisms of the site or the software being used. This way only the candidates that meet the highest standards are brought on board for the interviews. Given the wide reach of the e-recruitment platform, it is possible for a firm to realize that their best fit candidate is across the globe (The pros and cons of online recruiting, 2004). Before firm can commit to employing this candidate, they can conduct telephone interviews to make sure that the candidate is as good as their application indicates. Third, some of the online recruitment platforms sometimes tend to be slow, even though it is none of the employers’ intensions. This sometimes leads to loss of some of the application data rendering the application null and void. The best way to handle this consequence is by having a professional set up the website a fresh or hire a third party online recruiting company to do the bidding. Otherwise it is also possible to have the applicants send their applications letters and resumes to a company email (Frost, 1997). Sometimes the candidates that may send their applications may not meet the required threshold of skills level and prowess, leading to tedious screening interviews with a lot of disappointments. The best way to reduce the number of applicants with poor qualifications is by setting a series of online tests. In this regard, tests such aptitude testing have always proved effective as candidates are tested on various levels. Having multiple levels ensures that only the best candidates come to the firm after a rigorous testing mechanism (Greengard, 1998).
Psychological Contracts
Psychological contracts that are met between the employer and the staffs are very crucial as they match with the expectations of either of the parties. If for example the staffs are looking to enjoy longer Christmas holidays, it is important that the management urges the line managers to hold several meeting to make sure that the employees also understand that there are targets to be meet by the close of the business year. This way both parties are not caught up in a tussle over psychological contracts. As such the employees are going to honor the goals of the firm, while the firm is going to honor the pledges of the employees (Williams & Klau, 1997). As such the most important aspect of the strategy is that both parties understand what is expected of them to minimize chances of ill feelings and poor productivity. If the staffs understand that for there to be longer holidays certain targets ha...
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