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E-Commerce Technology and Environment Influence on Consumer Decision-Making

Essay Instructions:

ASSESSMENT: <Essay Assignment>

Assessment Task
Critically evaluate how the unique features of the E-commerce technology and environment influence consumer decision-making (cognitive and habitual).Duration: N/A Word Count: 1500Task specific guidance:
In this essay you must use the following sections:
1. Introduction (approximately 100 words)Provide an intuitive summary about why E-commerce technology and environment are important to consider when studying consumer decision-making. You should also briefly outline what you will cover in the main body of your essay.

2. Theoretical background (approximately 800 words)In the theoretical background you are expected to:-    Explore the unique features of the E-commerce technology and environment (Laudon & Traver, 2020; chapter 1, section 1.3);-    Define and compare the two types of consumer decision-making (cognitive and habitual); (Solomon, 2018; chapter 9; Laudon & Traver, 2020, chapter 6, section 6.1).

3. E-commerce and consumer decision-making (approximately 500 words)Based on the theoretical explorations, critically evaluate how the features of the E- commerce  technology  and  environment  influence  the  two  types  of  consumer decision-making.

4. Conclusion (approximately 100 words)Summarise the main points covered in the body of your essay.

5. References (there is no word limit for this section)Required Reading:

Solomon, M, R. (2018). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (Global Edition). Pearson Education Limited (chapter 9).

Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). E-commerce 2020-2021: Business,   Technology, Society (Global Edition) . Pearson Education Limited (chapter 1, Section 1.3; chapter 6, Section 6.1).

General study guidance:

•   Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your   work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list.
•   Reference and cite your work in accordance with the APA 7th system – the University’s chosen referencing style.  For specific advice, you can talk to your Business librarians or go to the library help desk, or you canaccess library guidance via the following link:•   Do not exceed the word limit.

Assessment criteria

•   The Assessment Criteria are shown the end of this document. 

•   These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.


Learning Outcomes
This section is for information only.
The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific         validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:
Learning Outcomes:
1.       Critically analyse and understand the nature and form of e-commerce.2.        Demonstrate an awareness of the issues surrounding the development and implementation of e-commerce.3.       Analyse the importance of good technical infrastructure as a basis of e- commerce.4.       Critically  assess  the  e-business  environment  that  will  contribute  to  the success of e-commerce implementation and its impact on current working mechanisms.Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.Submission informationWord Limit: 1500

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology and Environment Influence Consumer Decision-Making
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How Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology and Environment Influence Consumer Decision-Making
E-commerce technology has rapidly grown worldwide in the past decade. Many people can now buy goods from the comfort of their homes. Besides, social media networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, provide effective platforms for advertising different commodities and services, which have fueled e-commerce. The Internet offers an environment that enables millions of individuals to interact, share content, pictures, videos, blogging apps, and websites. In that light, e-commerce technology and the environment are crucial factors that affect consumer decision-making in the digital era. The paper focuses on the unique features of e-commerce technology and the environment. In addition, it defines and compares cognitive and habitual types of consumer decision-making. Based on theoretical explorations, the paper critically evaluates how e-commerce technology and environment features influence cognitive and habitual consumer decision-making.
Theoretical Background
In particular, the unique features of the e-commerce technology and environment include ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, richness, interactivity, information density, personalization and customization, and social technology. Ubiquity means that e-commerce is everywhere. Traditionally, the only way that individuals bought products is by going to physical stores. However, e-commerce has liberated the market, which is no longer restricted to a specific physical space. Currently, people can buy goods and services in the comfort of their homes, cars, or workplaces. Ubiquity has significantly decreased transaction costs. Global reach means that the e-commerce technology and environment allow commercial transactions across regional, national, and cultural boundaries (Laudon & Traver, 2020). Indeed, it makes transacting on the Internet cost-effectively and more convenient. In addition, universal standards mean that e-commerce technologies and the environment are shared by all countries worldwide. Users from a specific region can get products from another area. Universal technical standards reduce market entry costs, search costs, and makes price discovery faster, more accurate, and easier. Information richness entails the complexity of message content. E-commerce technologies and the environment are capable of providing more information richness. For example, online sellers can chat with their customers or video call them to clarify specific features of products that potential customers might not comprehend well.
Another unique characteristic of e-commerce technology and environment is interactivity. Interactivity refers to two-way communication between consumers and merchants. Specifically, it enables online merchants to engage potential consumers in similar ways as face-to-face communication. For instance, merchant websites have comment features, social networks, community forums, and social sharing functionalities, such as share and like buttons. Another crucial feature of e-commerce technology and environment is information density, which entails the amount and quality of the information available to merchants, consumers, and market participants (Laudon & Traver, 2020). E-commerce technology has significantly increased the accuracy, timeliness, and currency of information, making it more essential and useful. Personalization and customization make e-commerce technologies and environments more reliable. Specifically, personalization refers to the situation where merchants can advertise their products and services to a specific target market by adjusting the message to individuals’ interests, names, and buying behaviors. Customization involves changing the products or services delivered based on users’ buying patterns and preferences. The last unique feature of e-commerce technology and environment is social technology. Social technology allows individuals to create and share content in various fields with the worldwide community. E-commerce technologies enable users to come up with content and distribute it on large scale. For instance, users can code apps or software and share them with others in different parts of the world.
Consumer decision-making refers to a person’s evaluation in choosing to buy. The two primary types of consumer decision-making include cognitive and habitual. Cognitive decision-making involves deciding to purchase something based on a rational perspective. In particular, it says that individuals carefully and calmly integrate more information with what they know about a specific product before they make a satisfactory decision. Based on cognitive decision-making, people make deliberate decisions to buy products or services, which include scrutiny in financial planning and other things that affect their quality of life. The essential steps in cognitive decision-making include problem recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, product choice, and outcome (Solomon, 2018). First, an individual must realize t...
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