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3 pages/≈825 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:
- E-Commerce Initiatives Research and apply the content from recent articles about planning electronic commerce initiatives. You must cite at least 3-5 sources outside of the class textbook. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. Write in 3rd person. For APA writing style formatting see the APA style guide at the resources tab for APA formatting guidelines. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document. Schneider, G. P. (2015). Electronic Commerce (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-285-425436 - Chapter 12
Essay Sample Content Preview:
E-commerce Initiatives Name Subject Date E-commerce Initiatives The number of the people using the internet has greatly increased over the years. Apart from research purposes, most of business owners whether big or small have started using the internet for commercial purposes to sell their product and services. Some of the businesses only exist online. It took time for e-commerce to be trusted but now it is the most used by customers today. E-commerce saves time and money. It has been positively embraced in the world today. This has as a result made E-commerce very competitive (Sun, 2016). This paper seeks to discuss how a company can plan electronic commerce initiatives to enhance efficiency within the organization. Many businesses are venturing into E-commerce today. Some of the objectives that most companies have while investing in E-commerce include increasing sales of a company (Schneider, 2015). This is achieved because the company is able to reach a wider customer base. Some of the businesses are also able to reach customers worldwide. E-commerce greatly helps on customer care as they are able to be catered for individually (Sun, 2016). On the side of customers, they do not have to move around and they also have a variety of products to choose from. Just like other businesses, some online businesses fail or take some time before being successful. For online businesses to be successful companies, need to invest in branding (Hunson, 2014). This has proved to be expensive for some of the business but for those who invest in branding have seen positive results. How one brands a product determines the reception of the product by the consumers. Due to high competition the pricing may seem a challenge as there are platforms for all products (Sun, 2016). It is therefore important to set a reasonable price for the product, as the consumer is able to view other alternatives of the same quality. A website would also be a good venture to showcase information about the company (Adams, 2015). This will greatly improve the credibility of the brand. Consumers will trust the product more hence increase sales and consumer loyalty. The organization also needs to be ready to take up E-commerce. The staff members should be trained on how to respond to customers online (Hunson, 2014). Once the business goes online, the organization should also be ready with the growth of sales that comes with growth of customer base. Being able to deliver the products efficiently is also a part that the organization has to be ready to avoid inconvenience. Many online sites also have a feedback platform where customers leave comments about their experience with the product or the whole process of transacting business (Schneider, 2015). This platform will help the company know their strong and weak points and come up with ways to improve on the weaknesses. Surveys can also be conducted where a customer re...
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