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What is E-Commerce and how does it Differ from E-Business

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following five questions from the end of the chapters assigned for reading from your textbook E-Commerce business, technology, society Laudon & Traver. Your responses must be submitted in an APA-formatted Microsoft Word document with a cover page and references page. Each response should be well-developed and in essay format (introduction, body, format). You need to clearly cite your sources within your responses. 
1. What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business? Where does it intersect with e-business?
2. What are some of the specific ways that a company can obtain a competitive advantage?
3. Compare and contrast the various scaling methods. Explain why scalability is a key business issue for web sites.
4. Discuss why new and improved security measures are not enough to stop online crime. What is the missing ingredient?
5. Why would the amount of experience someone has using the Internet likely increase future Internet usage?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 E-Commerce
Institutional Affiliation:
E-commerce can be defined simply as transactions that are conducted over the internet. These transactions make it easier for the buyers to gain access to different products and make purchases of these products and services through an online platform without necessarily having to travel to different stores for the same (Laudon & Traver, 2010). The innovation of E-commerce took place around 1995-2000 that was inhibited by idealistic visions for the market through the use of quality information that was availed for the buyers.
However, E-commerce failed to meet its objectives, a factor that was followed by its second entry into the developmental stage. This stage saw many traditional organizations make use of the Web in enhancing their business functions (Laudon & Traver, 2010). This revolution therefore saw the advancement of E-commerce that occurred in 2006 and that brought with it the reinvention of different social networks that have rejuvenated the market strengths for businesses today. This paper therefore seeks to conduct a study on the proponents of E-commerce.
E-Commerce and How Does It Differ From E-Business
It is essential to consider the fact that e-commerce can be viewed as a digitally assisted commercial transaction that occurs between different individuals and organizations. In this case, it would be necessary to ascertain that e-commerce is different from e-business in consideration of the fact that in e-business, there is not a single commercial transaction that occurs and that adds value within organizations and individuals.
E-business therefore refers to the digital enablement of different processes and transactions of different organizations that do not include the exchanges in terms of value (Laudon & Traver, 2010). E-commerce and e-business in this case intersect with an organization boundaries in a case where an organizations business system is linked with the suppliers. An instance of this can be depicted in a case where e-business is turned into e-commerce when the element of exchange of value takes place within the boundaries of an organization.
Ways that a Company can obtain a Competitive Advantage
In order to gain a competitive advantage in the market, it is essential for proactive e-commerce organizations to take advantage of different payment methods in different regions. An efficacious integration of secured and safe approaches of payment within the e-commerce platforms therefore has the capacity to increase the clients who buy from these platforms as well as ensure that the existing ones are retained (Laudon & Traver, 2010). Additionally, it is also essential to note that pricing remains another element that most customers are sensitive about. It is therefo...
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