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E-commerce at Amazon

Essay Instructions:

Module 5 - Background


Required Readings

Supply Chain and E-commerce Powerpoint Slide

Optional Readings

Heizer and Render's book provides a nice and comprehensive overview of Operations Management. It is highly recommended if you are serious in pursuing a concentration in Operations Management.

Heizer, J and Render B. (2001) Principles of Operations Management, ISBN 0-13-027147-0

Gerhard J. P. (2002) International Operations Management. Copenhagen Business School Press ISBN: 8-76-300068-7




Module 5 - Case


Assignment Overview

E-Commerce at Amazon.com

Amazon started as an e-commerce book site and has now added music, toys, electronics, software and clothes to is list of product offerings. You are welcome to review the following articles from Proquest.

Marcial, Gene (Oct 29, 2007) The Unplumbed Depths of Amazon. Business Week. New York: . p. 112

Doherty, Kathy (Oct 2007) The New Kid In Town. Food Logistics. New York: . p. 6

Stone, Brad. (Oct 24, 2007) .Amazon Says Profit Jumped In Quarter, New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: p. C.3

Case Assignment

Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions,

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling books and goods over the internet?
  2. If books can be downloaded online, how will Amazon's business change?
  3. What do traditional stores have to gain from setting up an e-commerce side to complement their retail stores?

Assignment Expectations

  1. Answer questions with clarity.
  2. Show depth and breadth in your paper to enhance the quality of your paper.
  3. Try your best to search in our library to find some papers/articles to support your argument and show them in the reference list.
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E-commerce at Amazon
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Response to Question 1
Selling books and other products online have some advantages, which, as a result, have been able to attract customers from its beginning. A good example in this field is the Amazon’s online stores. Online bookstores including other products over the internet can be accessible 24/7. Books can be ordered at any time whether it is for nighttime or daytime and products can be sold online (Stone, 2007). This eliminates the need for physical space, staffs to operate a physical store or maintenance and rental cost. Only the cost of both web-hosting and maintaining the online website can be incurred.
However, the disadvantage of selling books and other products online include the following. First, the stores do not exist physically; therefore only those who surf over the internet can access the online stores. Secondly, in order to promote awareness of such products, marketing is required to be conducted through online networking forums. Doherty (2007) explains that offline advertisements are also required, which can be promoted through newspaper advertising and other means; these lead to increasing in the cost of marketing. Thirdly, some buyers are still not familiarized with online transaction. This exposed the sellers in an inconvenient situation in online business, and also the sales volume may reduce because buyers may be concerned with security and safety issues involving online transaction.
Response to Question 2
Cases whereby books can be downloaded online might lead to availability of several free resources; consequently, the sales of Amazon might significantly decrease since many people would like reading books from the screen rather than physical books. Availability of free sources might cause a serious problem by obstructing book-selling business. However, i...
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