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The Nature of Technology and Technological Change

Essay Instructions:

In the readings for this week you will find widely varying debates about the nature of technology and technological change, as well as the ways in which technology interacts with organizational processes. Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997) define dynamic capabilities as: “the firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments” (p. 516).

To prepare for this assignment, review the required readings for this week. Also review Barney (1995) from Module 4. Then, in a 3 page paper:

Identify dynamic capabilities in your organization. Use Teece, Pisano, and Shuen’s paper to justify why and how these capabilities are contributing to competitive advantage and outline how they differ from “resources” as identified by Barney.

Discuss how these capabilities can help to retain competitive advantage in the face of technological changes/disruptions.

Your paper must meet the following criteria:

please make sure using this book as one of the references

Grant, R. M., & Jordan J. (2015a). Foundations of strategy (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

make sure all references are scholarly references. 

3 pages in length, not counting the reference page

Adhere to academic writing style throughout, including using third person, avoiding colloquialisms, eliminating anthropomorphic phrasing, and providing citations to give credit to sources of information. Include a reference page for citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dynamic Capabilities
Dynamic Capabilities
The dynamic capabilities concept has been gaining popularity in the strategic management in management field. This concept due to it the fact that it is new may not be well understood hence the high chances of the concept confusing many. Therefore, it is critical to analyze the definition of dynamic capabilities (DCs) as brought out by Teece, Pisano and Shuen in a working paper (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). The fundamental query in management field is how organizations achieve and sustain a competitive advantage in the market that is so radical and ever changing. For this reason the paper seeks to identify various dynamic capabilities and how they affect the organization’s performance. It will also compare the dynamic capabilities with the resource based view as it is identified by Barney. Further, it checks on how these capabilities can be applied by organizations in order to retain competitive advantage in a face of technological disruptions (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997).
Dynamic capabilities are basically driven towards the attainment of future resources which is to say that they are at risk with the short term pressures in efforts to minimize costs. This is because the impact of these capabilities can be determined whether it was valuable ex post. Teece explain that DCs are processes or procedures designed by positions and paths (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). This may include reconfiguration and learning, integration and co-ordination while paths and positions refer to the external and internal pressures contracting and empowering the dynamic capabilities. The internal factors may include complementary, reputation, technological stock, financial and structural assets. On the other hand, external factors would refer to the organization against its markets and the institutional environment. Resources are the factors considered as the inputs for production activity which may include equipment, skills, patents, brand names, and finance among others. However, on the other hand, productive production calls for coordination and corporation of the group of resources. Capability is the capacity within a group of resources to carry out a particular activity.
One of the dynamic capability is processes which pivotal in encountering new challenges. This calls for the ability of the employees to learn very fast and to develop strategic assets. It is necessary to incorporate and integrate new strategic assets such as technology, customer response and capability in the organization. The ones already in place need to be transformed or reconfigured. The concept adopted by Teece suggests that the most important thing in the organization is its capacity that it detects and develop opportunities and threats, to take advantage of the opportunities and maintaining competitive advantage (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). This is achieved through the enhancement, protection, combination and at times reconfiguring the enterprise’s tangible as well as the intangible assets.

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