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Drones for Package Delivery Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:



PHILO390: Business Ethics

Current Issue Evaluation #1


This section describes the ethical issue being evaluated and the underlying ethics. The issue must be related to the field of study of the student. The issue must be something under debate or unresolved. Selecting an issue outlined in a professional code of ethics is therefore inappropriate. Proper citation of sources is expected (Source, 2017); they are also to be listed as references on the last page. Description of the issue must be detailed enough for any educated person to understand, which includes spelling out any acronyms used. The description must also include clear indication as to why the issue is important. Use of concepts and terminology from the Business Ethics class is helpful in this section.

It is important to note these reports are not expository writing essays filled with metaphors, rhetoric, and biased persuasion (Source, 2015). These reports are to be written in a concise, objective, and factual manner (it may be helpful to think in terms of a proposal written for an employer); this is technical writing, not an expository essay. This will provide students the opportunity to develop the writing style and skills frequently used in professional settings. Students are expected to proofread and fully develop their writing. Use this instruction sheet as an example of the format to be used in writing these reports.


This section not only identifies the key stakeholders relevant to the issue being evaluated, it also describes why each and every stakeholder cares about the issue and describes the values and/or priorities each and every stakeholder has.

It is best to have a brief paragraph for each stakeholder. Lumping them into one big paragraph does not convey how the different stakeholders have different approaches to the topic (Source, 1492).

Neglecting obvious stakeholders will result in a deduction of points.

Possible Solutions

This section needs to present a reasonable range of solutions. Each possible solution must be fully developed, meaning any possible bias is taken into account (source, 1984) and obvious limitations to a possible solution is recognized; viz. each possible solution is to be evaluated for strengths and limitations.

Extreme, illogical, impractical, and/or unrealistic solutions should not be presented here as a possible solution.

Neglecting obvious possible solutions will result in a deduction of points. Failing to fully develop these possible solutions will result in a deduction of points.

Proposed Solution

In this last section of the report, one solution to the issue is offered. It is to be explained thoroughly. A rationale as to why this particular solution is most ethical should be provided. Most solutions to ethical issues will have limitations and/or weaknesses; what are those? Lastly, there needs to be some notation as to how to determine if the solution is effective.

It is extremely important to understand each one of these evaluative reports are ten percent of the final course grade. These are not optional, they are required. Students are expected to put forth a reasonable amount of effort into these assignments. It may be very helpful for students to briefly review the rubric used to grade these.


Here you will list, in APA style, the sources you used for this assignment. You will need to use at least three quality sources. Sources need to be cited in the body of the paper; factual claims need citation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Drones for Package Delivery
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A delivery drone is an advanced logistical device that carries materials from one place to another. With the passage of time, the trend of using drones for package deliveries has become common. A lot of store owners prefer drones to deliver orders to their clients’ location (2015). The core purposes of using them are to deliver the product at a fast speed and to avoid any damages. Thus, we can say that a delivery drone provides the best and most efficient mechanical assistance to customers who are not able to carry heavy objects from one place to another. They are also used by logistics companies and retail outlets that tend to deliver products to clients living abroad.
The delivery drone users are multinational and national logistics companies that have stopped depending on ordinary or traditional options of transferring goods from one place to another. By using a couple of delivery drones, it becomes easy for them to continue delivering products without any fears of damages. Today, the drones are considered a good replacement of cargo planes that are larger in size and cost the company and the customer a lot. The delivery drones are said to be a more effective and better option since they help maintain great market productivity and are far more affordable than cargo planes.
According to V. Sivaraj Kumar, delivery drones are programmed to reach the specific place or designated area only. They allow human counterparts to focus on other important delivery procedures. In addition, the chances of making mistakes are lesser when locating the targeted area. They let workers conserve a lot of energy while delivering commodities (Kumar, 2017). Logistics companies can save a lot of time and money that they are l...
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