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Describe Drone Hardware Market Investments Per Sector

Essay Instructions:

Subject: Profile an unusual business. Provide detailed information about an unusual business from the student’s perspective and offer some insight into the cultural significance of the business.

Topic: Student’s choice of a business that serves, produces, or sells something unusual. 

Purpose: Try to inform and engage your readers.  Should convey a dominant impression of the business through descriptive details, thoughts and observations, quotes, and research.

Audience: One that is unfamiliar with the particular place of business.

Organization Plan and Process: Could be written according to a narrative plan (interweaving information about the business with elements of a story) or a topical plan (grouping information into topics). Could be written from the perspective of a detached observer or a participant observer. Visit the place of business and record a list of observations.  If possible, interview someone who works there.  Record names, details, and sensory impressions. Engage in research about the history and cultural significance of the business or type of business. All research must be documented using APA style documentation.

Length: 4-5 pages

Be sure to include visuals to support your profile.      

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
July 22, 2017
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Drone Hardware Market Investments per Sector | Image taken from BusinessInsider.com
Drones in Everyday Usage
Almost anyone of us has, in some point in their lives, seen a drone. As of now, drones could be purchased almost anywhere, such as toy stores and online selling platforms. However, despite the increased availability there still exist a high demand for personal and commercial drones (especially for cheaper, high-end ones). As according to Sun (2016), by december 2016 about one million consumer drones were sold just for a single holiday season. As stated earlier, drones which are being sold in the market are at times designed to suit a specific purpose. Although all of them have sensors and cameras on board – to give the pilot a perspective of what the it sees – most commercial drones have different tools and capabilities for almost any task which requires them. One of the most frequent use for drones is taking pictures. As Social Networking Sites, becomes bigger and bigger, most thrill seekers (e.g. snowboarders) are now using drones in order to capture their “intense” moments and post it in their profiles. Perhaps, one of the biggest player in this sector, is GoPro’s Karma. This small, compact, and versatile UAV is sought after by most adventurers, especially since GoPro has been embdded in their minds, ever since it released the best sports cameras back then. Aside from taking the perfect selfies, UAVspride themselves today for their role in agriculture and development. Drones like AgEagle and senseFly eBee SQ are designed to map and monitor crops (soil temp, Soil H2O levels, plant count, etc.) in a way more faster rate than if done by foot or by wheels CITATION Nix17 \l 1033 (Nixon, 2017). Some agricultural drones also have spray canisters to spary fertilizers to crops in a more distributed manner. There are also a lot of other uses for drones such as real estate, building and infrastructure assessment and monitoring, and traffic management, to name some.
Military Applications
As of February 9, 2016, the former U.S. President barrack Obama has presented the US public with the state’s fiscal budget for the year 2017. The allocated budget shows that $587.2 billion is allotted for military expenditure and research, while $4.61 billion of that budget is for the research, development, and procurement of UAV’s.
Just a short while after its inception, reports that militaries of some states are using drones, not only for surveillance but also ...
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