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Office Tigers

Essay Instructions:
To Whom It May Concern: 1. Please extract the following files and watch the 4 videos: http://www(dot)4shared(dot)com/zip/GIkfyLBf/Office_Tigers.html 2. Question is Do you think that the organisation is being managed and lead well in Office Tigers? If you were a senior manager at Office Tigers, what would you do to improve the organisation? Write an essay that critiques the managerial practices in the organisation? 3. Use the following concepts, Organisational Culture, change management, motivation, technology, ethics, globalisation, managing international business enterprises. 4. Please reference in APA style and note there is a deadline of 24 hours and use 9 resources with in text referencing from academic journals as well..
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Office Tigers
Thesis Statement
In the modern day work place, senior managers have to live up to the calling and chat the way forward by offering a great example and therefore become an inspiration to those who are below them in the organizational ladder. If I were a senior manager at Office Tigers, I would initiate a change process so as to improve the organization.
It is not uncommon to witness petty rivalries in the office and therefore it is the duty of the senior managers to guide such energies in the right path and tap those to the benefit of the firm. If the energies of the employees are not well harnessed and synchronized with thee organizational aspiration, the overall morale of the workers is greatly affected. Due to the high expectations of employees in many organizations, employees become stressed-out and therefore there is a need to offer the much required leadership so as to ensure a well-motivated and inspired workforce. In my opinion, Office Tigers is not being run well. This paper discusses best practices in organizational management which if I were a senior manager in the organization I would put in place. The ambition portrayed in the four episodes of Office Tigers clearly offer valuable and important lessons on organizational management and the modern day manager can really learn a lot both from the success and the challenges experienced by the employees of the firm.
Office Tigers -Organizational culture lessons
Evidently the organization has some great culture in paper; "Meritocracy," "Integrity," "Accountability" and "Commitment to Clients. For leaders a valuable lesson from the Office Tigers documentary is the level of team work lacking in the office. The over-emphasis on Meritocracy sometimes can lead to over ambition and over-emphasis on individual excellence leading to negative competition. In the documentary, the management places a lot of value on meritocracy. As a senior manager this is something which I could apply but with great caution. Meritocracy when done at the expense of other values such as honesty and team work can lead to under achievement since it will most likely steal the joy and synergy effect which comes with team work. As argued by Adrian and Philip (2006) assigning employees work in in groups contributes to better results since employees easily accomplish their tasks. This is lacking in Office Tigers and therefore the benefits which come about from groups cannot be realized. As a senior manager this is something I would really pay attention to.
Office Tigers and Motivation
The mistake which is clearly happening in the Office Tigers is that the managers seem to think that cash reward is the only motivator to employees. This is far from the truth because the working environment, the recognition and appreciation of their achievements are really also very important. It is very important for managers to be able mobilize reputable teams that are culturally diverse and this calls for the manager to possess several unique competencies which should help them to achieve that. A manager should be able to identify and nurture talents as this is a very encouraging signal to the employees. As a senior manager the one thing I would do is to be able to identify and nurture the qualities in the employees that are needed by the organization. This is important because in turn, the employees will apply their talent in the achievement of both personal as well as organizational objectives to the benefit of the organization.
So as to motivate, managers or leaders need to be inspirational whereby they are supposed to be able to motivate their employees by adopting transformational leadership. (Deresky, 2008) Leaders are supposed to be great examples and be able to stand by their standards and ideals through which they are capable to influence other people found within the organizations they lead. This is not really what is being demonstrated in Office Tigers, as the managers clearly create a gap between them and the employees and make the employees feel like lesser individuals. Leaders need also to be visionary if they are going to inspire and motivate an aspect which ensures that they are capable of aggressively pursuing their goals at global level making them achieve greater things.
In addition, they should be cultural accommodative regardless to the part of the world in which they function. In Office Tigers` four episodes, there is repeatedly a mention of Americans and Indians. The incidence where an employee at Office Tigers is referred to as "marked man" is unfortunate. If I were a manager there, I will work towards an office environment, where all can effectively coexist irrespective of culture or where employees are from.
Moreover, a successful leader is always friendly and approachable mainly because his/her main job involves frequent interaction with people from different backgrounds with varied ideologies. This is can only be achievable if there is a willingness of the managers to accommodate criticism from other colleagues whether it is their seniors or even juniors at work.
Office Tigers and Change management
If I were a senior manager at Office Tigers, I would initiate changes so as to implement all the management concepts discussed in this paper. Change management is an important concept which ensures that the organization can influence and guide the outcome of a change. Change is important to any organization since it implies that an organization grows from one point where it has been and that is stable, to another point and it is also the transition from one point to another. Positive change management starts with thoughtful planning of the change and the implementation methods should be defined properly. (Barney, 1986) For Office Tigers, there is a clear need for the embracing of change because the challenges being face by the company must be managed well. There is a serious need for change management in Office Tigers, for instance some of the happenings are totally unacceptable in a modern work place especially at a time when organizations all over the globe are striving to be voted the best employers by their employees.
The senior managers at Office Tigers are on several occasions guilty of embarrassing employees and pushing them around the work place. The treatment and handling of employees is almost devoid of any respect and the managers do not give the employees the opportunity to discuss issues. When there are meetings, the managers seem to know it all and the meetings really are not meant to get feedback or input from the employees. In addition, the employees are over worked and the way they are over-worked leaves every one feeling that the employees are only visually happy but deep down in their hearts, all is not well.
The process of change should not be forced on employees because at the end, there might be problems associated with the change or resistance from the staff. The employees are supposed to be informed of the intended changes and also be given an opportunity to make contributions. Involving the staff is important because they feel that they are a part of the process. When the staffs are can play a part in the change process, it is always good to give them the opportunity to bring back the feedback and talk about what they feel concerning the change. This helps them to grow and they get an opportunity to learn as change occurs in the organization. These measures ensure that the change will be accepted by all employees in the organization. (Adrian & Philip, 2006)
The staff of an organization can be involved in the change management in different ways. They have a role to play and that is why their feedback is expected in the change management. Most organizations fail in the implementation of changes as since they fail to completely involve the employees in the whole process and they do not give them time for the changes to completely take place. In the process...
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