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Essay Instructions:
Once you've read these materials, please answer the following questions: What does an organization that values diversity need to address in order to manage and balance issues related to facets of diversity that may conflict? When we bring people of diverse cultures and backgrounds into the workplace, what types of conflict might occur? Please discuss three specific examples of possible diversity-related conflicts and how those might be managed and/or prevented from happening again. What is meant by an "inclusive work environment" as it relates to diversity? Provide examples. There should be sub headings throughout the paper to make for easy reading and referencing [Important!! focuses on diversity, and not on non-discrimination, that is a later assignment Be sure to understand the difference between "diversity" and "non-discrimination" as you prepare paper.]
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: Diversity
[Writer’s Name]
[Institution’s Name]

Conflicting Issues Regarding Diversity
Every organization needs to have management models in order for it to be able to create a vision for organizations plus for the development of coordinated and comprehensive strategies that can be incorporated with other strategies. Most of such models have to initiate from getting aware regarding the culture and then understanding others. General diversity management views culture as among the several facets of diversity, which may include the race, gender, religion and age.
Different facets of diversity may result in problems within an organization due to the differences present and every organization needs to resolve them before they erupt. For instance, there may be conflicts because a person does not want to work with a particular employee due to his homosexuality, whatever the reason. Or employees may discriminate a black who, in return, insults them and fights with them. A Muslim female who covers her head can be discriminated against because of her religion and practices. Such issues need to be resolved if harmony is desired at work and if the organization wants that their workforce remains diversified.
It is a fact that diversity conflicts are most common in companies where there is lack of communication and thus the resolution of conflicts may be done through communication. Programs can be initiated that encourage togetherness among employees. The organization should be fair with everyone. The system of accountability can be put in practice.
Conflicts at a Diverse Workplace
With diversity come varied beliefs in different areas; for instance in their priorities, assumptions and understandings. Such beliefs result from prior experience and training that a person receives and the reason could be such differences in resource allocation and reward disparities. It has been proposed that two kinds of conflicts actually affect task performance, and these are intragroup task conflict and intragroup emotional conflict (Pelled, Eisenhardt, & Xin, 1999). Each of these will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Because of varied beliefs employees have divergent preferences and understanding regarding the tasks to be performed. It is such deviations that result in intragroup task conflict. Examples of intragroup task conflict can be regarding the distribution of resources, processes and instructions, and regarding the way different facts are interpreted. A marketing team may have conflicts resulting from different perspectives which may be that some are considering traditional direct marketing and the rest wish for a viral marketing campaign. The conflict could be because of demographic diversity; in this case the older employees may have different and more traditional views as compared to the younger ones. It could also be that the males do not wish to include the females within the decision making process or that employees have had different experiences in their past which have shaped their beliefs.
The second kind of conflict is intragroup emotional conflict which means that there are conflicts regarding interpersonal relati...
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