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Diversity in Wal-Mart: Employee and Cultural Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Please build your 5 page essay (Diversity at Wal-Mart) around this outline. The instructor is looking for plagiarism, so please be careful. She has me on notice. Thanks.
1. Introduction
The major aim of this paper is to evaluate diversity evident in Wal-Mart stores globally. The evaluation takes into account the different types of diversity present in the giant retail chain.
Types of Diversity

Employee and Cultural Diversity
Product Diversity
Diversity in the corporate social responsibilities
Employee Diversity
Change in human resource hiring strategies
Attainment of global status
Product Diversity
Zero Waste Policy
Product Sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility Diversity
Environmental Sustainability
Community Welfare Programs


Birchall, J. (2008). ‘Wal-Mart seeks green in China’. Financ. Times, Oct. 21. http://www(dot)ft(dot)com/cms/s/0/67a5e066-9faa-11dd-a3fa-000077b07658.html?nclick_check=1

Brunn, S., ed. (2006). Wal-Mart World: The World's Biggest Corporation in the Global Economy. New York: Routledge

Fishman, C. (2006). The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works—and How It's Transforming the American Economy. New York: Penguin

Govindarajan, V., Gupta, A. (2001). The Quest for Global Dominance: Transforming Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diversity in Wal-Mart
Institutional Affiliation:
Diversity in Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart as a global brand in the retail chain market believes in a simple yet powerful slogan, which is saving money and living better, for its clients. The company believes that it is at its best in promoting diversity across its supply chain. Besides, diversity serves as an improvement strategy to retail store’s performance when it comes to sales, it is also an advantage to suppliers. Diversity is also an advantage to the customers who rely on the retail outlet to access different goods and services from manufacturers, in the best way possible. At Wal-Mart, the management recognizes the fact that, people of color are more likely to take up the majority of the population come the year 2042, up from the current one-third representation they have in the population (Glavas, 2016).
The major aim of this paper is to evaluate diversity evident in Wal-Mart stores globally. The evaluation takes into account the different types of diversity present in the giant retail chain. The paper also seeks to evaluate other diverse aspects in Wal-Mart, which makes the global retail chain stand out in the global market of retail chains.
Types of Diversity
Many important roles are played by retail businesses, thus the important need of diversity to be able to meet the different aspects that the businesses serve in the economy. In the United States for instance, the retail sector employs over 15% of the entire private sector workforce. There are different levels and types of diversity that are crucial for the thriving of retail stores, and as exhibited by Wal-Mart, the diversity includes the following (Govindarajan, 2001).
Employee and Cultural Diversity
At Wal-Mart, it is believed that for an organization to truly advance with respect to diversity, there is the need to walk in a different person's shoes. The philosophy to consider the people from other aspects of life in the running of the organization is significantly helping Wal-Mart drive diverse management beyond the usual good faith philosophical effort. Employee diversity at Wal-Mart is fostered by an inversion hands-on diversity course that is offered to all Wal-Mat and Sam's Club members. The training offers staff/associates an opportunity to understand the first hand civil rights alongside a tour of the historical sites that entail inclusion and diversity (Glavas, 2016).
Product Diversity
Wal-Mart believes in diversity at its best by promoting diversity across the entire supply chain. Suppliers do understand the fact that working with Wal-Mart, they stand a chance of accessing over 260,000 customers globally every week. At Wal-Mart, diversity translates in the delivery of better and differentiated products coupled with a broad aspect of communal selection that the retail outlet serves. To ensure sufficient product diversity, Wal-Mart maintains an existing portfolio of over 3,000 suppliers, with more suppliers of better quality products being sourced for each day. The retail outlet seeks to maintain a broader base of suppliers in order to stay ahead of competition with respect to the expert delivery of products and services to customers (Lun, Lai, Wong & Cheng, 2016).
Diversity in the corporate social responsibilities
With reference to corporate social responsibility, Wal-Mart is committed to diversity through working to create a sense of economic opportunities and enhance sustainability. Wal-Mart is committed to the strengthening of local communities as a means of ensuring diversity to make the retail store operation systems sustainable. To ensure further diversity in corporate social responsibility, Wal-Mart supports development for its entire staff, referred to as associates, supports women as well as supplier entrepreneurs. Wal-Mart offers the support to different units in the community as a means of pursuing affordability and sustainability even in the face of uncertainties in the market (Flammer, 2015).
Employee Diversity
To build a diverse workforce, one requires an understanding of themselves as well as the people that surrounds them. Additionally, there has to be an aspect of empathy, where it is assumed that the people who work on behalf of or those that surround the organization have good intentions, even in situations where the case is contrary to the expectations. At Wal-Mart, the management understands the value of diversity as a build up to a strong as well as successful economies and communities. The organization, thus seeks to blend employees from different diverse backgrounds and give them a channel for their voice to be heard, for the sake of continuous improvement (Flammer, 2015).
Change in human resource hiring strategies
After realizing that employee training, retention as well as the motivation is vital for the long-term success of the company, Wal-Mart decided to strengthen its recruitment and selection strategies. Wal-Mart enjoys a large organizational size, hence the need for its diverse workforce. The human resource hiring strategy has resorted to decentralizing systems...
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