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Discussion w2: code of ethics

Essay Instructions:

Topic 1 If you were writing a code of ethics, what would be the most important practices to include in your company's acceptable use policy, Internet use policy, or acceptable conduct policy? Topic 2 Identify examples of how cultural values affect moral legitimacy and cyber ethics norms. How can cultural values, traditions, religion, the desire for higher economic status, or poor local law enforcement possibly affect the ability to regulate copyright piracy or other illicit activity globally? Topic 3 Cyber Vigilantism is a term that describes what may occur when an organization decides to hack back, or employ another company to launch a cyberattack against a suspected hacker that has disrupted their assets. When this is done by an organization, it may be actions taken for revenge or to protect important assets against future cyberattacks by using a “Pro-Active Defense". Is this practice currently illegal, and what could be some possible consequences if an organization engages in cyber vigilantism? What are other possible options for a "Pro-Active Defense"?

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Topic 1
According to Walker (2005), important practices to include in a company's acceptable use policy, internet use policy, or acceptable conduct policy include:
* Principles of ethics: Such principles include behaviors in the workplace as well as respect for all people.
* Accountability: Accountability practices include ethical use of information, carrying out duties with due diligence to avoid conflicts of interest, and exercising responsibility for one's own actions.
* Standard of practice: Entails current procedures and policies as well as manuals of business operations.
* Values: Consist of unprejudiced, unbiased, and honest work environment.
* Disciplinary actions: These include practices for effective handling of complaints and penalties as a result of violation of the code of conduct (Arrigo, 2006).
Topic 2
Cultural values are as varied as cultures themselves. Normally, an acceptable conduct in one society may be unacceptable in another. The differences in values among different cultures have recently extended to the cyber world, affecting what is known as cyber ethics norms. The Internet has already achieved its major purpose of connecting the world. It has become an international technological tool that has impacted upon legal, ethical, social, and moral standards of different regions (Gelbrich, Stedham, & Gäthke, 2016). As a result, elements which are considered legitimate and ethical on the Internet, especially with regard to pornography, freedom of speech, intellectual property rights, and information privacy, ...
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