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Discussion on Marketing Strategy

Essay Instructions:

The business plan should emphasize a marketing strategy showing: demographics of your potential customers;an over view of the consumer trends affecting your business,an brief assessment of competition. With this you are revealing your "sustainable competitive advantage". Marketing should be about 75% and 25% budget.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Strategy
The Montana Place’s strategy will be based on communicating its value to the targeted market segment. This will be achieved through various methods. First will be strategic advertisements these will include ads in daily magazines and journals, such as The Parent and Lifestyle which includes entertainment places in the town. This will be the primary source of advertisement because its demographics are similar to that of The Montana Place’s demographics. The second source of marketing will be through strategic relationships with organizations that serve similar demographics. One example is The Monroe Spa which serves a wide range of demographics which matches up with The Montana Place’s. The Monroe Spa is a fairly downtown spa that attracts a wide range of customers. Professionals, singles, couples with their families frequent the place for a wide range of services. This will provide a mutually beneficial relationship where both organizations are expected to gain value to each other. Grassroots advertisement strategies will also be used, where potential clients and customers will be provided with coupons for their families or friends to try The Montana Place. This will serve as an economic incentive for the new customer to try The Montana Place. This approach also has an advantage of providing the company with referrals.
The Montana Place’s mission is to provide a conducive environment where people from all walks of life can meet and enjoy themselves. We aim to attract and maintain customers and provide services that exceed their expectations.
Marketing Objectives
* Create brand awareness to increase customer base.
* Drive an increase in sales.
Financial Objectives
* Increase the revenues.
* Reduce variable costs.
* Reach profitability.
Target Markets
The Montana Place’s customers can be placed into various categories; singles, couples, families, organizations. The singles category is smaller than other groups by virtue that it is meeting someone who is not already known to them. The two of them will come up with a topic of discussion or what they would like to do. The couples’ category is somehow larger because dating couples will find a conducive environment for their evening dinner or Valentine’s Day celebrations. The family categories comprise a larger group because it will provide a conducive environment for having family gatherings and fun. There will be a place for kids to play, while parents get their drinks or conduct meetings. The largest group will be organizations because there will be board rooms for meetings and training. Organizations will be provided with facilities and all the necessary requirements for team building.
The Montana Place will strive to position itself as a reasonably priced restaurant that has an innovative and effective system that allows all people to meet and have fun together. The Montana Place’s positioning will take advantage of its competitive edge:
A unique approach that allows people to come together through a structured conversation system.
This approach provides The Montana Place with a competitive advantage because most restaurants have specific niches that they concentrate on. Most restaurants concentrate ...
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