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Business & Marketing
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Discussion 7: Retailing. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Define the concept of "shopper marketing" and explain its popularity

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 200 words per question, formatted and cited in proper APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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Shopper Marketing
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Shopper marketing
Effective shopper marketing plays a vital role in making a brand more meaningful in the store. Today, stores have cautiously enhanced the shopping experience to inspire customer’s brains to buy goods and services. According to Bogetic et al. (2016), shopper marketing involves all activities that focus on improving the shopping experience for consumers to increase sales both in-store and online platform at the point of purchase. Shopper marketing attempts to make last-minute pleas to customers when they are prepared to buy a good or service (Shankar et al., 2011). Unlike other forms of advertising such as ads, print media, television advertisements which can remain in the customer’s brain for months, shopper marketing makes immediate influence and directly stimulates customer behavior.
Many stores use different approaches to inspire customers to buy goods and services at the point of purchase. While some stores use distinct fragrances to develop a relaxing and calm environment, others use in-store tunes and soundtracks to develop a mood for shopping (Shankar et al., 2011). All these indirect initiatives have an impact on customers when they are making purchasing decisions. Research s...
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