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Digital Marketing Metrics

Essay Instructions:

Part A The term “metrics” is commonly used by digital marketers. Explain your understanding of the meaning of the term.

Part B List and describe the specific metrics that measure traffic, audiences, and campaigns. Which ones do you think are most important?

Part C Using a mobile site or app with which you are familiar, describe a scenario that tells the story of how one user segment would behave on a visit to the site—their customer journey using the app. When you are satisfied that your scenario represents behavior of one segment adequately, identify the metrics that would be useful in ascertaining if the segment's needs are being met and if the customer experience for this segment is satisfactory.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Marketing Metrics
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Digital Marketing Metrics
Part A
Metrics refer to the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used to measure the success of a firm’s marketing efforts on the Internet. In other words, they are values that digital marketers use to measure and track how a digital marketing campaign is performing online. The primary objective of using digital marketing metrics is to help track and understand how consumers are interacting with the brand online via social media platforms and websites. In addition, metrics provide a proper framework for companies to analyze effective strategies that can be used to reach existing and new clients through general marketing initiatives or targeted campaigns. Digital marketers can use metrics to identify new ways that they can customize their advertisements to increase brand awareness. They can also establish ineffective ways and avoid them to maximize the success of their campaign methods. As such, metrics are crucial since they track the performance of the marketing campaign enabling marketers to know where they can improve so that they can reach their target customers.
Part B
There exist various metrics that can be used to measure traffic, campaigns, and audiences. First, website traffic measures the number of visitors to a specific website and helps digital marketers to know how many potential customers can see the products or services displayed online. Second, conversions are crucial since they show digital marketers the number of website visitors that subscribes or pay for goods and services sold on the Internet. Third, bounce rate is another digital marketing metric that depicts the number of individuals who leave after visiting one page of the website. In addition, it shows the time that users spend before they leave a specific webpage. Fourth, first-time visitors track the number of users who visit the website for the first time, which might be used to show the effectiveness of targeted campaigns, such as ads. Fifth, returning visitors give insights into the website content that make individuals revisit (Flores, 2013). Sixth, the click-through rate measures the number of individuals who click a particular ad that has been linked to the website. Seventh, the response rate shows digital marketers the number of people that reply or are concerned about the firm’s offers. Eighth, cost per click entails the money that a company pays for ads when clicked by potential customers. Besides, ads are used to increase the traffic on a website and to reach potential customers from other websites or social media platforms. Ninth, cost per lead is the funds that a company pays for a lead via clicks, response rates, and impressions. In other words, it refers to the total cost that a firm pays for converting website visitors into viable potential clients. Tenth, a pageview is another metric that shows the most visited web pages and the time that visitors spend on each webpage. Specifically, digital marketing metrics are numerous, and all of them measure specific aspects of the advertising. However, in my opinion, the most significant metrics include website traffic, conversion, first-time visitors, returning visitors, a...
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