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Digital Forensics. Business and Marketing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

3 Questions, need 3 answers: Please enter the answer for each question right under it in bullet form.

1. Several states have adopted a licensure requirement in order to practice digital forensics as an investigator as a means to establish minimum competency requirements. What do you see the role of education playing in digital forensics? What critical success factors contribute to overall investigator competence?

2. What methods and best practices should an examiner follow when approaching an investigation? What are critical success factors and ways to continually improve the investigative process?

3. In your opinion, what are the most encouraging techincal developments in digital forensics? What do you feel are the most glaring challenges yet to be adaquately addressed?

In your reply provide at least two examples of each with references to support your opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Forensics
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Question 1
* Regardless of the fact that digital forensics will involve the use of tools that will do the work on behalf of the investigator, some level of education will be needed to ensure that the tools are operated to give the best results. Educated individuals will reduce the cost that might be spent on training investigators on how to use the digital tools (Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2014). The training accorded to a college student would be different from that accorded to a high school dropout.
* Among the success factors is that competent people will be aware of what is required in the investigation process Damshenas, Dehghantanha & Mahmoud, 2014). Therefore, they will be able to make minimal mistakes hence ensuring the correct solving of cases. Some cases fail due to poor investigation leading to lack of enough evidence.
Question 2
* When approaching an investigation, an investigator should have all the necessary tools and be prepared to employ the best data collection an analysis methods. For example, a murder scene would require them to collect samples suitable for DNA testing.
* The investigation process can be improved by carrying out regular training ...
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