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Developing a Survey on Students’ Post-Pandemic Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Homework 1

Developing a Survey

15-min Group Presentation plus 2-page write-up and survey instrument

Survey topic: your group’s choice, something you are interested to find out about. You will later collect and analyze the data.

  1. Select a research question you are interested in.
  2. Develop a causal model that includes three dependent variables and several independent variables.

Think of one or two moderators. Moderators are variables that modify or change the direction of the relationship between independent and dependent variables.

  1. Suggest some marketing literature to support your causal model (or parts of it) and include references to articles.
  2. Propose a few hypotheses to test with the survey.
  1. Develop measures for each variable. Use a variety of question formats. When you design your question think about the type of data you would generate with each question. Abstract psychological concepts are usually measured with scales. Search the literature for a scale you can use for that particular variable (if it is an abstract psychological construct). If you do not find a scale you can develop your own questions.

It is good practice to have a few measures (at least two) for each variable. Depending on what kind of information you want to find out, open ended questions may also be instrumental. A combination of open ended and closed ended question is a good idea that could offer insights that the survey did not anticipate.

  1. Design the flow of your survey. Include an introduction, create transitions between sections, etc. Include a statement to address individual privacy and confidentiality concerns. Test the survey with a couple of people to make sure no questions are misinterpreted and revise it based on their feedback.
  2. The write-up addresses the points above and documents the logic behind creating your survey. You do not have to distribute the survey. Attach the final survey to your two page write-up. Format the survey in a way that looks easy to read and respond to. Use a 12-pt font, good alignment, visually separate the survey sections. Feel free to use survey software like Qualtrics or survey monkey.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The pandemic has caused numerous changes in the world. Education is one of the areas that has been largely unaffected by the pandemic. There are changes in the learning mode, competencies, curriculum, and even the students’ and teachers’ attitudes and behaviors. The current study is concerned with the students’ post-pandemic behavior. Since they have been out of school for several months due to the pandemic, their behavior has undoubtedly changed. Hence, it is essential to determine students’ behavior after the pandemic.
Figure 1
Causal Model
Figure 1 reveals that a student’s social, emotional, and behavioral challenges may be affected by the period they spent learning at home, the mode of learning, and family support. However, there might be changes in the result if a student’s gender is considered. In one study by Baros and Scau-Fontenla (2021), the authors noted that gender significantly affects the student’s capacity for “mental health symptoms, emotional intelligence, and social support.” However, despite these findings, the study did not focus on the positive effects of family support in dealing with these challenges. Hence, the researchers assume that there is a direct relation between social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, the period they spent learning at home, the mode of learning, and family support.
To test the hypothesis, the researchers adopt a survey tool from Peixoto et al. (2015) that can measure the student’s emotions, which will help the researchers determine their behavioral, emotional, and social challenges. The questionnaire is divided into two sections. The first section includes eight questions that students can answer on a scale. The second section includes two open-ended questions. The open-ended questions are intended to elicit the student’s perspective on the change of returning to school. The researcher has modified some parts of the survey to ensure that the researchers obtain the necessary information and results. The researchers chose the essential statements that can elicit specific answers. Precisely, the survey can determine the students’ behavior towards education.
In conclusion, the researchers devised a survey to ascertain student behavior changes following the pandemic. There have been several changes, including the learning mode, and they must make several adjustments. As a re...
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