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Developing, Managing, and Operating a Retail Business

Essay Instructions:

Imagine that you recently took over your friend’s small retail business and you now have to do the following: 
• Rename the store
• Create new hours of operations
• Hire two (2) new part-time employees and two (2) new full-time employees 
• Address a new plan for building your clients and merchandise, and 
• Address the issues of the remaining employees from the acquired business, who are disgruntled because you are relocating the store to the center of the town where you live. 
Consider how you are going to develop, manage, and operate your new retail business. 
Additional resources: 
Write a three to six to eight (6-8) paper in which you:
1. Propose two to three (2-3) strategies for targeting customers and information gathering that would use in order to develop your own clientele while maintaining the clients of the acquired retail business. 
2. Develop a plan that details your approach to recruiting and training a new staff while addressing the concerns of the remaining employees related to the proposed store relocation.
3. Apply the concept of the one-hundred (100) percent location and saturation to your retail store.
4. Create a design for the most important financial dimensions of your business, and develop a strategic plan for addressing the dimensions that you have indicated.
5. Create a name, a mission, and a philosophy for your retail store. 
6. Define store hours, including holidays and weekends, and describe the key goals of employee management.
7. Develop a plan for cultivating an inviting store atmosphere (e.g., music, décor, style of goods provided, services provided, etc.) and a corresponding window display.
8. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Analyze the retailing consumer and database management in retailing.
• Analyze human resource management and financial aspects of operation management in retail organizations.
• Describe the dimensions of operating a retail business and the development of merchandise plans.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in retail management.
• Write clearly and concisely about retail management using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Little Bee Retail Company
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Course Name:
Little Bee Retail Company
When one enters into a new business or decides to open up a new business whether it is selling washing lines or washing machines, they need to study the target market and understand the customers’ needs in order to maximize the total sales. Entrepreneurs should understand the type of product they are selling, who they are selling to, why should they buy that product and what are they going to gain from the product or service they just bought. Because of such kind of questions, the following will help in identifying your target market.
1 An entrepreneur needs to understand the kind of problems is facing.
This should be the starting point for entrepreneurs, define the target market you proposing by understanding the kind of problems they are facing. Once you do, it will be easier and you will roughly have an idea what they are suffering from.
2 List all kinds of customers in your area.
Identify all types of customers in the area you what to open your business, after the identification, focus on the category of the business you acquired and correct all kinds of problems the customers to be are experiencing. Group the problems by area, net worth income of customers buying the products and market sector such as recruitment agents, producers and so on. Find more about the targeted customer such as their gender, what they like doing in their leisure time and where and how.
3 Study the market you have.
We live in a world of freedom where everybody is free to do any kind of activities, and at their own convenient time. For example, a customer can watch all the programs he love at his own time unlike before where one had to be there to watch a programs when it was being aired. Therefore, an entrepreneur can know the kind of market he will work with by studying the type of people involved such as high-income people, youth, women, racers and so on. The geographical location and how it affects the customers and the kind of market sectors that surround the business such producers, accountants, marketers and so on.
Consider pricing strategy as this affects the business greatly, the price for the products should be affordable and within the range with other same products in the market. Price affects the performance of the product in the market, if the company is operating in an area where there is another company of the same, the price should be slightly lower for you to attract customers and keep the previous customers. However lowering the price should only be for a short since doing it for long run will ruin the business.
Recruitment in organizations is a very costly approach; the recruitment team should be keen as the process faces various risks if wrongly exercised. For example, bad hire in departments such as account and finance may make a business lose a lot of money due to incompetency and unskilled personnel in the offices. Such cases negatively influence the business, costs business time and money consumed in hiring such individuals, affects them morale, as this is a newly relocated business to new environment. Since this is, a business that as just relocated from its previous environment, there are many challenges for that it is likely to counter in its new relocation. The challenges are both internal and external CITATION Tho13 \l 1033 (Thompson, 2013).
When recruiting new staff to an organization, the recruitment team as to consider whether the skills and knowledge for applicants matches that of the positions advertised. The use of skills, experience and technical knowledge is however, a traditionally process of recruiting recruits in an organization. The process faced criticism due to its incompetency. The process only focuses the skills and there matching with the job. This kind of employing process without looking deep into other factors such as organizational fit and behavioral competences when recruiting leads to letting in wrong recruits with no customer relationship, disasters handling, anger management and so forth.
Therefore, the organization will screen all the applicants’ applications, select the best application letters with the quality standards set by the business and the successful persons called for interviews. Interview questions cover almost every area concerning the positon advertised and the job description, the information gathered from the interviewees should be meaningful and complete for the candidates to pass. This will moderate the wrong hiring decision CITATION Porer \l 1033 (Port, 1999, 26 October). Interviewers focus on all aspects mostly the behavioral of the selected applicants. The business inte...
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