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How Does Dell Address the Ocean Plastics Crisis?

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the questions, based on the case study.

Question 1 (1 point)
Why would a company such as Dell address a problem so large as the ocean plastics crisis?
How would you make the business case for such an effort at Dell or another company?
What are the risks and benefits of Dell's strategy for incorporating ocean plastics in its packaging or products?

Question 2 (1 point)
How does Dell define "additionality" and does its approach truly achieve it?

Question 3 (1 point)
What future measures should Bhargava recommend for additionality, sourcing ocean plastics, improving the supply chain, producing other products, or establishing the consortium?
If you were Kevin Brown, would you continue to devote resources to this effort?
Why, or why not?

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The Dell Company is a frontrunner in the efforts of making the world's ocean habitable again. Massive resources have been directed towards the recycling of ocean plastic wastes. Other Asian companies are also helpful in cleaning the oceans, but Dell is more successful than most of them. The following case study aims at answering the role of Dell in controlling plastic wastes and the recommendations that would improve their operations.
Question 1
Dell addresses the issue of ocean plastics to maintain the task of keeping itself on the commercial approach enthused by its founder Michael Dell. The company established a sustainability and trade obligation plan that involves the use of expertise to create a positive effect on the habitation, communities, and people more than blimey when equaled to the trail that the technology created. Packaging is sourced from justifiable materials since the waste ocean plastic material is cheaper when phased out environmentally-sensitive materials are used as viable alternatives. The alternatives are feasible means of solving the plastic issue affecting the world since the raw materials help in the cleaning of the environment.
Furthermore, the company saw an opportunity to get raw materials that could be used in manufacturing its final packing materials. The initiative seems like a lucrative jog since many companies were not tangled in the recycling of ocean waste plastics. Dell also sets an example to other companies so that they may help in the management of plastic waste. The company exposes the environmental dangers the wastes pose to marine life. Generally, the initiative is risky for starters because of the low security on sustainability. Success in this sector is highly dependent on the longevity of the respective company. Thus, firms seeking a short-term net return would not benefit from the scheme.
Finally, the company encounters massive operational risks by its involvement in ocean plastic recycling. Other Asian companies are also involved in the business eradicating the chances of Dell's establishment as the sole participant. Besides, the firm faces financial uncertainties since the extradition of the waste is expensive. The price of acquiring the machinery to operate in the plant may lame the company's other operations—high UV radiation and salty water upsurge the degradation of plastic materials. Consequently, the recovered materials have low residual value, complicating ...
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