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Defining Artificial Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is to write a short RESEARCH PAPER covering the topic listed below. This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.Topics to be covered in this paper:1. What definitions of artificial intelligence (AI) have been proposed by reputable sources? What seems like the best definition to you (or propose your own definition) and why is it the best?2. Discuss one business task or business implementation that AI can currently accomplish. Discuss the task in detail and how particularly AI is used in the task. Apply your definition of AI in this discussion.This could be an example of AI that impresses you, or perhaps an example that you think is atrocious or ridiculous.3. Analyze whether or not the implementation is commercially successful and why ( you must give details on why or why not you think it is successful based on criteria you choose such as but not limited to these: sold at a profit? Used to reduce costs? Failing in the marketplace?). The “why” part here is important – flesh out why the AI is successful or not in detail.4. Conclude your paper with one paragraph summing up the main points of your research – your definition, the example implementation you chose, and why/why not it is successful.The focus of this paper is to research your topic and synthesize the information you find from various EXPERT sources and integrating them together into a coherent report, and then offering your own unique opinion/view on the topic.Writing a research paper involves: (1) understanding the topic/questions given in the assignment(2) familiarizing yourself with the works of "experts” regarding the topic (research) (3) using the research you’ve gathered, form an opinion about the topic(4) make conclusions about the topicThe final product will be a unique and appropriate integration of evidence you have located outside yourself and personal insights generated from your own internal think tank--your mind! I am MOST interested in your personal insight and ability to integrate the information you find from sources. The inclusion of sources isn't a test on how well you can use the library databases, but the inclusion of sources complements your own ideas by providing academic context and credibility to what you are asserting. I will be grading not what the published experts have to say, but how well you use what the experts have to say to advance your paper’s purpose and your opinion on the topic. See writing help here: https://library.lehigh.edu/researchhttps://library.lehigh.edu/research-toolshttps://studentaffairs.lehigh.edu/content/writing-research-resourceshttps://libraryguides.lehigh.edu/writingtipsAudience:The audience for the research paper is an academic audience including more than the professor - a general audience that would benefit from the knowledge you put forth in the paper regarding the topic. Fellow university students, industry professionals, and others who would benefit from the knowledge put forth are possible readers of a research paper. It may be helpful to think about who might read the article if it was published in a technical trade journal/magazine. Thus the author should not spend time in the research paper defining terms already familiar to those in the field, but should take the time to explain concepts that are cutting edge and new and may be unfamiliar. There is a middle ground and the author should assume a certain educational level (college level).Format:1. The text of the paper must be double spaced, 1” margins all sides, 12-point font and contained entirely within one word document.2. You must paginate (insert page numbers) on all pages include the title page. The format of the title page is entirely up to you, but it must include your name, due date, the course number and name, and the text“ Paper 1: What is AI?” (at a minimum). The actual text of the paper starts on the page after the title page.3. The paper must not be longer than 7 pages (including the title page and reference page). Papers longer than 7 pages will be returned via email ungraded, and will need to be resubmitted at the proper length within one week of date it is returned to you.4. Use active voice and descriptive verbs. Do not write in first or second person (don’t use “I” “you”, for example). Make sure that the write-up is coherent, flows well, is edited for spelling and grammatical errors and has an overall plan. You should cover all questions but you must write it up into ONE paper that flows TOGETHER. You should NOT include the questions given, but instead COVER the questions in one coherent research paper. You can use headings if you like – that is up to you. 5. You may use any and as many references you think are appropriate, but you MUST use at least tenreferences from reputable sources. At the end of the paper (on separate page from the body of the report) list all references you have used to write the paper in alphabetical order by author’s name. Include URLs whenever possible, however, a URL is not a complete reference. You must include the proper information for a reference using APA style (7th edition) (https://libraryguides.lehigh.edu/APA_citation_7th - click on “citation examples” at the top).6. I look to you to make sure you have enough references to explain the concepts you are writing about, and to ensure that you have covered the major theories about the topic. Make sure your references are reputable. Reputable references include (but certainly this is not an all encompassing list) the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, NY Times, Barron’s, Time, The Washington Post, The Economist, scholarly academic journals, etc. Reputable references would also include personal interviews with professionals employed in the industry. Your references MUST be current if you are writing about current events. For example, you cannot make statements about a company’s market share or sales with a reference from 2002. You can use a reference from 1995 if you are talking about the founding of eBay, however.7. You may cite a reference in your text many times (in fact, if it is a good reference, you probably will cite it many times). You may use wikipedia as a reference, but it must not be the primary basis of information for your paper. If most of your references are Wikipedia your grade will suffer. Be aware that an “A” paper will typically use much more than 5 sources. If you are listing a publication as a reference, you MUST use it somewhere as a citation in your paper (in text citation). Otherwise, whatinformation did you get from it?8. You must use in text citations for any information you found in sources. Avoid using direct quotes unless source’s words are especially compelling. Instead paraphrase your courses. Examples of quoting versus paraphrasing and how to do in-text citations using the APA format are found here: https://libraryguides.lehigh.edu/c.php?g=1242672&p=9093734. These must be directly in the text of the paper, directly AFTER the sentence with the information you are citing (but before the period). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Defining Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Technological innovations have been fundamental drivers of economic development for the past two and a half centuries. The most important innovations have been general-purpose technologies, including steam engines, electricity, and internal combustion. Today, the most fundamental driver of economic development is artificial intelligence (AI), which is increasingly becoming a general-purpose technology due to its multiple applications. The term AI was coined by John McCarthy in 1955 and has since been used differently across application contexts. Even though no official definition was given at the time, many scholars have attached multiple concepts to AI, which makes its definition difficult. This paper will explore the definitions given to AI by reputable sources and select one that seems to be the best. Further, the paper discusses business tasks that AI can accomplish if implemented. Lastly, the essay explores whether or not the implementation of AI is commercially successful based on set criteria.
Defining AI
As mentioned earlier, no universal definition is given to the concept of AI. According to Brynjolfsson and McAfe (2017), the term was first coined in 1955, after which AI was used to make claims and promises regarding what machines can accomplish. In this case, machines developed to handle tasks better than humans seem to be the main implication regarding the essence of AI. Many scholarly publications associate AI with machine learning (ML), which is also deemed a subset of AI (Helm et al., 2020). In this case, ML entails the experiential learning of human intelligence, which entails machines’ ability to learn and improve on human intelligence through computational algorithms. However, AI is no longer confined to computational tasks and operations. In some applications, including medicine and commerce, AI performs complex tasks such as predicting behavior and making diagnoses (Martinez, 2019). Intelligent machines perform smart tasks, and these machines emanate from ML algorithms.
Computer scientists in charge of the development of AI have focused on various aspects that define the nature of AI. The first and the most distinct element of intelligence is autonomy, which expresses a condition of thinking (Martinez, 2019). In other words, autonomy means that machines can think and make decisions without the intervention of humans. The essence of ML is that smart machines are free from human inputs since human inputs defy the purpose of AI, and machines would not function as intended. AI can adopt the definition of autonomy in the automation processes. Another aspect of AI is information processing, which is both a task and a defining feature of AI. In a technical report by the Joint Research Center (2020), the aspect of information processing is described as the ability to collect and interpret inputs. This description also fits within the context of automation, where the purpose of AI is to operate autonomously without human input in the collection and analysis of data. Therefore, AI mostly means machines capable of performing tasks independently, including complete and intelligent functions.
Another approach to defining AI has been by focusing on the functions and applications and the meaning of the term ‘intelligence.’ The idea of human intelligence has been attached to the definition of AI by Dick (2019), who argues that human thinking as a function can be performed by machines. The main idea is that the functions of human minds can be replicated by modern digital computers, including symbolic information processing systems that gather input and manipulate it to solve problems, make decisions, and formulate judgments. The concept of human intelligence entails the cognitive capabilities of people in reasoning and applying their reason to reach conclusions. Artificial intelligence, as perceived by Dick (2019), implies that computers are given the capability to perform all these functions. According to Wang (2019), the idea of human intelligence can be used to define AI as computer systems similar to the human mind in specific senses. In other words, AI entails an abstraction of the human mind from the point of view of the conceptualization of intelligence. Therefore, if the term ‘intelligence’ can be defined as the ability to acquire and apply skills and knowledge, then AI is an abstraction of the human mind through tools that can gather and manipulate data and apply it in decision-making.
The challenges in obtaining a universal definition of AI imply that it is difficult to determine which one is the best considering that all definitions are specific to application contexts. Therefore, a definition that offers a more generalized view of AI could be considered the best since it would capture the essence of AI. In this case, all definitions denoting human intelligence performed by digital computers or machines are effective. The definition of AI by Wang (2019) is considered the best since it describes AI as functions of the human mind performed by computers. The general view can explain that all machines or tools capable of performing intelligent tasks are part of AI.
Business Implementation Accomplished by AI
The role of AI in business is a popular subject among experts and scholars due to the endless possibilities presented by emerging technologies. One business implementation that AI can currently accomplish is sales. In many businesses, sales represent a critical function performed by individuals whose primary roles include generating and increasing leads and selling to customers. Today, AI allows firms to rethink their balance between humans and ma...
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