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Decline in Trade Union Membership in Australia

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Data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests that Trade Union membership in Australia has been in decline since the 1980s. 

In your essay, explore three key reasons for the decline in Trade Union membership or density in Australia over the last 35 years.  In formulating your arguments, draw on appropriate academic research, government statistics and commentaries from experts.




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You should include 10 sources or references in your essay, at a minimum.  Make sure you cite and correctly reference your sources, using the Academy of Management referencing style.

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Decline in Trade Union Membership in Australia
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Decline in Trade Union Membership in Australia
A Trade Union refers to an organization of workers or employees working together to improve their employment conditions. In other words, Trade Unions are membership-based organizations whose principal aim is to advance and protect the interests or needs of their different members in their workplaces (Moet-lysson, 2011). In Australia, trade unions play a significantly contribute towards the employment law and allow employees and employers to bargain and agree on the working conditions. Additionally, employees and employers in Australia can choose a trade union and work with it and negotiate or decide on the employment conditions specific to their company (L&E global knowledge center, 2020). The first trade unions in Australia were formed around 1820 by the non-convict workers in Hobart and Sydney, and they were formed to help its members during illness, death and unemployment. Several early unions were short-lived due to unionism in the 1850s but recovered during World War II. After World War II, Trade Unions reached many achievements; however, from 1980, trade unions in Australia faced several challenges that led to the decline of trade union memberships (Cosic, 2014). Several important reasons have played a pivotal role in declining the trade union membership in Australia over the past 35 years.
The dramatic change in the structure of the Australian industry is one of the reasons why union membership is declining in Australia. Over the past decades, Australia has undergone tremendous structural reforms to transform its economic performance and growth (Banks, n.d). Structural changes involve the dramatic transformation caused by the significant economic developments that change the country, market or industry. The industrial structure of Australia has shifted towards services from manufacturing and agriculture. Long before the change, the Australian economy only directed the industrial structure towards small manufacturing industries with primary productions. However, different factors dragged and shifted the Australian industry to the business service settings, including technological changes, increased demand for services, industrialization of East Asia and different economic reforms (Conolly and Lewis, 2010). The Structural changes have led to different structural factors that affected employment in industries over the past decades, thus leading to the decline in union membership. The structural factors have also facilitated the adoption and increased flexible forms of employment in various industries or businesses. Flexible employment allows workers and employers to formulate the working conditions that suit them without the assistance of the trade union, hence the decline in the membership in the different trade unions (Conolly and Lewis, 2010).
The growth of part-time and casual employment is another reason why union membership has declined over the past decades. The Australian labor market has drastically shifted with a unique development in labor demand and supply. Some of the Australian labor market changes are the increase in part-time employment and casualization (Cassidy and Parsons, 2017). According to the Australian Bureau of Statics (ABS), a part-time employee works less than 35 hours in a typical working week. In Australia, part-time employees work 17 hours a week, and more than half of these employees have casual jobs (Cassidy and Parsons, 2017). Casual workers are employees that work without a paid sick leave or holiday. According to the recent studies by ABS, regardless of the endless upward increase in part-time and casual employment, there has been a stable share for both employment forms. For example, the part-time and casual employment share has been 20% and 40% respectively from 1990 to 2017 (Cassidy and Parson, 2017). The part-time and casual workers are less likely to join the trade unions due to their low income and fewer working hours. The increased adoption of the part-time and casual employment trend by the various businesses or industries in Australia has contributed to the lowering of the overall trade union membership across the state (Gilfillan and McGann, 2018).
The trend towards smaller and more dispersed places of work has also contributed to the declining trade union membership in Australia. Australian employees are distributed and employed over 19 broad industries, and there is quite regional inequality in the distribution of the workforce in Australia. According to the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (2018), there has been a tremendous shift in work location; around 1906, over 50% of the entire population lived in small towns with fewer people, approximately 3000 people. For decades, rural Australia has been termed the home or the place for most resilient businesses and economic production. Around 1966, many people moved to urban centers with a more significant population of 100,000 and up to date. Still, people commute from the urban centers to the small rural regions for their jobs in other parts of the county (ACTU, 2018). The displacement of the places of work and smaller working areas ...
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