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Crisis Management in Organizations: United Airlines 2017 Crisis

Essay Instructions:

Individual Written Assignment

a. You need to identify and briefly explain a past crisis (NOT related to COVID-19) of

an organization. Examples of organizational crises include Johnson & Johnson being

sued for selling toxic products, United Airlines forcibly dragging off a passenger from

a plane and, more recently, the former president of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing

Committee making sexist comments against women. The above are examples only and

you can choose any other cases.

b. What did the organization do to deal with that crisis? What are your comments on their

actions / responses?

c. How do you relate your chosen crisis to the talks given by the guest speakers? How

much do you think some of the talks given by the guest speakers are related to your

chosen crisis?

d. How do you relate your chosen crisis to the crisis management of your own country in face of the present COVID-19 crisis? Please identify similarities and differences in actions / responses.

I chose United Airlines as the topic of my assignment.

For part c, you need to select one of the topics I posted below as an example to complete.

Please message me the topic of your choice, I send you the link is a video record will certainly use you half an hour to an hour to watch it.

Part D China.

1.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : The Progression Group (Thailand)

Topic : Lessons in Business and Leadership from Caves

to Mountain Peaks

Speaker : Mr. Josh Morris

Founder and CEO, The Progression Group

2.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : The United Nations International

Trade Center (Myanmar)

Topic : Building Trust to Nurture Collaboration in

Times of Crisis

Speaker : Mr. Peter Richards

Senior Tourism Consultant,

The United Nations International Trade


3.Faculty Sharing

Topic : SF Bay Area Entrepreneurial Ecosystem –

Creates an Unfair Advantage

Speaker : Dr. Sybil Yang

Associate Professor and Faculty Director,

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Fellows

Program, San Francisco State University


4.Faculty Sharing

Topic : Corporate Responsibility in a Time of Crisis

Speaker : Dr. Jörg Schmidt

Senior Lecturer & Research Associate

Center for Corporate Responsibility,

ZHAW School of Management and Law,

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

5.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : Schindler Group (Switzerland)

Speaker : Dr. Florian Trösch

Vice President, PORT Technology

Miss Mirjam Baijens

Head Global Talent & Development

Schindler Group

6.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : The North Face (USA)

Topic : Failure the Secret Sauce of Silicon Valley

Speaker : Mr. Hap Klopp

Founder of The North Face

7.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : Open Country Dairy Ltd (New Zealand)

Speaker : Mr. Tommy Liu

General Manager Commercial & Information


Open Country Dairy Ltd

8.Faculty Sharing

Topic : Connectivity in and around Organizations:

Waves, tensions and trade-offs

Speaker : Prof. Darl Kolb

Honorary Professor, Business School,

University of Auckland (New Zealand)

9.Faculty Sharing

Topic : Luxury in Times of Crisis & Beyond

Speaker : Dr. Fabio Duma

Head Competence Team Luxury Management,

ZHAW School of Management and Law

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

10.Business Practitioner Sharing

Company : IWC – International Watch Company


Speaker : Mr. Walter Volpers

Associate Director Product Development

Technics, IWC

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crisis Management in Organizations: United Airlines 2017 Crisis
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Due Date
Crisis Management in Organizations: United Airlines 2017 Crisis
Organizations are formed to attend to consumer needs satisfactorily. However, unforeseen mishaps along the way conflict the organization with its clients (existing and potential), employees, regulators, investors, and the public (Nizamidou, 2018). This work focuses on United Airlines' crisis of 2017, its response, and comparison to current crisis management in other countries.
* Identify and Briefly Explain a Past Crisis of an Organization
One of America's largest airlines, United Airlines, faced a very trying moment in 2017. On 9th April 2017, a passenger in one of its flights was violently dragged off the plane. The incident took place at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois. The man, reportedly a doctor, was one of United Express Flight 3411, getting ready for takeoff from Chicago to Louisville that Sunday evening (Sini, 2017). Dr. David Dao was dragged off the plane for refusing to surrender his seat for flight personnel.
The overbooked flight was trying to make room for four of its personnel (Gunter, 2017). The airline offered an inducement of up to $800, and three passengers willingly surrendered their seats (Gunter, 2017). Dr. Dao declined, citing that he was a doctor and had patients that he needed to attend to the following day. Security was called, and then the scuffle ensued. Dr. Dao was roughly ejected from his chair and mercilessly dragged down the aisle, resulting in a concussion, broken nose, and two missing teeth. Some passengers took videos and shared them on Facebook and Twitter, attracting a public outcry against the airline.
* Actions that United Airlines took to deal with the Crisis
The unfortunate event left United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz ashamed and embarrassed (Lazare, 2018). He apologized on a Twitter statement and promised to address the issue and follow up with the aggrieved passenger (Sini, 2017). The airline took swift action and enacted some guidelines that year. Recent studies show that service crisis recoveries impact the performance of firms (Rasoulian, 2017).
United Airlines passed a guideline indicating that they would not use law enforcement officers to eject already seated customers (Lazare, 2018). This will be done if it is a matter of security and safety only. Furthermore, United stated that unless safety was at risk. They would not require already seated customers to give up their seats (Lazare, 2018) involuntarily. The airline would consider alternative options to facilitate flying both passengers and crew if such a glitch arises.
The Airline also adjusted its ticket booking procedures to curb overbooking situations. This move helped significantly as involuntary denied boardings were reduced by 94% (Lazare, 2018). Moreover, to resolve customer issues promptly, a new app was unveiled. Gate agents and flight attendants would use this app to reimburse customers on the spot in a disservice (Lazare, 2018). As a result, efficiency will increase as disservices are handled promptly.
In addition, the Chicago Department of Aviation sent the involved officers on paid leave (BBC, 2017). United Airlines also increased its payout to customers who voluntarily gave up their seats to $10,000. They also adopted a new policy that enabled customers to be paid $1,500 for a lost bag (Lazare, 2018). United also launched an initiative dubbed core4 to involve all its frontline employees' training (Lazare, 2018). This guideline was adopted to make the airline more customer-centric.
Reaction to United Airlines' Response to "dragging" crisis.
Firms strengthen relationships with their customers by taking a holistic view of the customer experience. Recent studies suggest that service quality determines clients' emotions and relational behaviors toward an organization and its services (Arguello, 2019). In line with this thought, I think United Airlines' actions are positive and consider the customer's interests. United's selfishness was the primary cause of this crisis. The responses and guidelines adopted were essential and will cultivate more positive reactions from its clients.
* Relationship between the United Airlines Crisis and the talks given by the Guest Speakers
Strong levels of trust and respect are some of the key contributors to an efficient relationship between corporates and society (Richards, 2021). Executives of corporates often try to minimize and deflect the outrage directed towards them whenever there is a scandal (Khan, 2017). The normalization of this corporate misconduct led to the corporate image's damage and worsened public trust in that corporation. For example, the CEO of United Airlines, Mr. Oscar Munoz, mainly focused on the operational metrics of United and forgot about the inhumane treatment of their client, Dr. David Dao. The United Nations International Trade Center was able to deal with the covid-19 crisis in Myanmar and built an even stronger relationship with the locals due to these values (Richards, 2021). These helped them succeed with the projects they set up to help the local Kayans cope with the pandemic.
The emergence of a crisis uncovers new opportunities, which can bear good results for an organization when well exploited with a favorable approach (Klopp, 2021). A crisis, therefore, is a tool with which a company can advance its ideas or values, depending on how well they adapt (Klopp, 2021). United Airlines adapted to the dragging crisis by adopting several guidelines. The airline adopted these guidelines to prevent the reoccurrence of the same problem and ensure that they are well placed and equipped to respond to crises of the exact nature. Furthermore, a crisis provides a period to be innovative to better address the challenge at hand (Schmidt, 2021). The crisis provided United Airlines the opportunity to develop its app.
The United Airlines' crisis mainly originated from the company's need to transport some of their crew members to a collection point for work. This caused stress to their system, as their flight was full, requiring them to ask passengers to forfeit their seats. 'Crew sharing' program can help mitigate these types of problems (Khan, 2017). In addition, approaching a crisis collaboratively as a team creates a solid foundation to respond to a crisis (Richards, 2021). Collaboration and shared responsibilities are some of the ways that positively helped The United Nations International Trade Center in Myanmar respond and cope with the covid-19 crisis.
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