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Social Responsibility Project: Creating Shared Value

Essay Instructions:

Overview: This project aims at exploring ways you, as an individual, and companies can have a positive social impact in the world. In the class, we discuss how corporations have the ability and capability to tackle the big (social) problems we face in the world today. We also emphasized that the highest impact is possible through collaboration – when companies work collaboratively and interactively with all their stakeholders. As such, each of us also has the potential and the responsibility to have a positive impact.

With this purpose in mind, review the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Identify one goal that you find the most interesting and would like to work on for this project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creating a Shared Value
Student’s Name
Creating a Shared Value
The Global Goals, popularly knowns as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), refer to the 17 primary objectives working in sync that were adopted by the member states of the United Nations (UN) in 2015 (UNDP, n.d.). The nations have a collective responsibility towards achieving these ambitious goals as one. The 17 goals are all of utmost significance since they are working in sync. However, goal number five, Gender Equality, that seeks to empower the female gender and put them on the same level as the male counterpart, is interesting and ought to be fully supported. Despite the numerous real-life scenarios that demonstrate that what a man can do a woman can do better, the issue of female empowerment is still a matter of discussion in this century.
Key Aspects of The Goal
Gender equality seeks to ensure that the female and male genders enjoy equal treatment at every encounter in society. Gender equality is often linked with the oppression of the female gender by default. This is not necessarily the case, but sadly, it is true. The goal from the UNDP seeks to eradicate gender inequality by supporting women in the political arena, empowering them economically, rebuking gender-based violence, and also reinforcing the legal system to ensure access to justice for victims of gender inequality.
Actions I can take
Many countries and organizations have done a tremendous job in ensuring that the goal becomes a reality come 2030. Educated women are automatically empowered without any push or pull. In that case, emphasis on educating the girl child should be the priority. There are many barriers to the education of a girl child (The World Bank, n.d.) A call for all the responsible governments and institutions to demolish all these barriers by any means necessary would be a plus. I can therefore call on relevant institutions to address the barriers.
What Companies Can Do

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