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Project Activities List and Network Diagram

Essay Instructions:
Arrange a schedule and method for interviewing them about defining, sequencing, and estimating the project activities. Create a detailed activities list as follows: Examine the WBS and make a list of specific activities Group the activities into clusters or groups of related activities Separate the clusters into activities that can stand-alone Identify activities for reviewing, revising, and approving work Identify activities for delivering completed deliverables Your activity list can be in a spreadsheet, word-processing, or straight text format that is viewable by your instructor. Create a project network diagram. Use an application that your instructor can view. Draw a diagram showing the relationships among the activities Please add a abstract page and please stay with the subject matter I have uploaded.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Management

In the last two years, the committee has been losing members at an alarming rate. 5% of the members have left the committee so far. The committee is, therefore, required to come up with a strategic plan to draw in more members. By the end of June 2005, the committee should have drawn at least 100 new members. In one of their project, the committee has the authority to spend up to $5,000 dollars. This is broken down into 2500 for consultancy, 1500 for the marketing material and 1000 for the meetings. To finish these tasks, the committee will need several recourses in terms of personnel (Project Insight Community, 2010). Among the required personnel include the following; a consultant in members recruitment and retention, an active member to come from each and every region, marketing personnel from the organization, a former president, team leader, all totaling to eleven members to form the team. According to the charter the team, should own the problem’s solution, and they require six months on the minimum to do that. The method is not limited to any particular one; as such the team can chose whichever suits the solution best.
Arrange a schedule and method for interviewing them about defining, sequencing, and estimating the project activities. 
On the interview day, the panel of six will be seated in the boardroom by eight thirty, with their name tags on.
The interviewees will be assembled in the lounge, and assigned interview sequence numbers as they arrive until 9 AM (Project Insight Community, 2010).
The interviewees will be shown to the boardroom by the secretary in the order of their numbers.
On entry, the interviewees will be asked to produces their original certificates for verification while they live their copied documents to the first panelist on the queer.
After the verification process, the interviewees will be allowed to use refreshment in the lounge, then enter Boardroom B for an aptitude test that will last forty minutes.
During this time, the panelist will recap on the interview process, distribute the candidates’ documents in the order they are to come in, including the results for the tests.
When the panelists are ready, the candidates will ...
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