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Corruption Article Rewiew

Essay Instructions:

Find a popular press article or journal article in which someone argues a point that you disagree with. Write a paragraph agreeing with this person. Allow one day before moving on to the next part.

Make sure at least one day has passed since writing the first paragraph. Now, write another paragraph disagreeing with the person. You will include both of these paragraphs in your essay.

Discuss the differences between your arguments from the first paragraph (in which you agree) and the second paragraph (in which you disagree). Elaborate on whether you think that your opinion has changed on this topic, particularly thinking about your initial thoughts on the topic before you wrote either paragraph. 

In your discussion, incorporate research on cognitive dissonance from your textbook or another resource. 

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. or journal article in which someone argues a point that you disagree with. Write a paragraph agreeing with this person. Allow one day before moving on to the next part.


Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social psychology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle 

River, NJ: Pearson.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Agreement to the article
I find myself in the agreement with the article ‘Corrupted Life’ by Munir Moosa Sewani, who is among the most prominent and creative names in the field of Education. He terms corruption as the devastation of an individual’s trustworthiness and faithfulness through improper means. These improper means are like the giving out of bribery or use of the influence and power to attain an individual’s targeted goals and objectives.
The author’s argument is well put, as corruption is a universal phenomenon, which can exist in any culture and thrive in any type of society today. The argument put forth in this article by Sewani (2010) is right, as the levels of corruption worldwide are increasing, despite measures being put in place by various leaders around the different countries to reduce it. It is also ironical that the same governments mandated with the duty to safeguard the nations’ riches, are the ones misusing and mismanaging the same (Sewani, 2007). Disagreement to the article
As a member of the public, I don’t fully agree with the article and its author. Reduction or subsequent eradication of the corruption experienced in the ruling government is possible, even if it forms part of our society. Although the author says that corruption is more like a chronic disease, such as diabetes, but it can be controlled though it cannot be wiped out completely. Therefore, it can be controlled if every citizen believes in themselves and thinks otherwise on ways to elect good leaders in the government. Through democratic election, and prudent choice of office holders, there can be less corruption. Moreover, the impact of crime can be reduced simultaneously along with the reduction of corruption, through the cooperation of the international c...
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