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Corporate Policies, Rationale, and Alignment with TechFite’s Culture

Essay Instructions:

Task 1: Ethical Standards
In a complex, multicultural business environment, it is important that business professionals adhere to ethical standards throughout their daily activities. The goal of this course is to introduce you to concepts and guidelines for ethical courses of actions in business. In order to assess understanding, you will analyze the ethical and socially responsible courses of action for the business scenario below. You will take on the role of human resources (HR) director of the firm to discuss the situation, propose ethical guidelines for the organization, and analyze possible solutions to address the ethical dilemma for the company.

TechFite, a British company that produces high-technology goods, recently began production of its innovative recreational equipment in its first U.S. factory in Dellberg. TechFite is widely known for its culture of workplace collaboration and leadership development. Additionally, the company culture encourages employee empowerment and engagement in corporate decision making. The company also prides itself on being actively involved in the communities in which they have a presence.
As the human resources (HR) director of the new factory in Dellberg, you soon realize there are financial obstacles that must be addressed as it relates to hourly employees. The budgeting process has constrained the amount of funding available to provide full-time employee benefits, and hours have been reduced to keep many employees classified as part-time. The HR department needs to develop policies to address the legal and cultural differences between the United States and the United Kingdom pertaining to hours and benefits. As the HR director, you are grappling with the ethical obligations to your employees and the limited funds available. Upon a review of the budget, excessive bonuses are being paid out to top executives.
During one of the company’s presentations to the Dellberg city council, commitments were made to sponsor community events, to support local youth leadership development programs, and to invest in infrastructure to aid in the rebuilding of the city of Dellberg utilizing environmentally responsible techniques. Up to this point, these commitments have not been addressed or funded by TechFite. The leadership team realizes the importance of community involvement, and this commitment is central to their corporate culture. A plan needs to be developed to meet the company’s corporate social responsibility to the city.
While residents of the city were excited about the company’s investment and the opportunity for new jobs in a bankrupt city, relationships quickly began to deteriorate when employees began to complain about wages, benefits, and weekly hours that fell far below the 40 hours necessary to receive full-time benefits under company policies. In addition, the company is not fulfilling the commitments it made to city officials about community involvement.
As part of its launch into the United States, TechFite realizes that corporate actions must be consistent with company culture to gain acceptance. Two primary focuses will be making this a great place to work and developing a strong presence as a company that is good for the community.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Create three corporate policies that reflect the organization’s culture and ethical viewpoints.
1. Explain the rationale behind the policies, including how they align with the organization’s culture.
2. Distinguish between ethical and legal issues.
3. Analyze the ethical issues at stake in the scenario (e.g., conflict of interest, misuse of resources, whistleblowing).
4. Describe the purpose of the ethics officer.
B. Describe corporate social responsibility and how it applies to the scenario.
1. Explain the ethical desirability of improving the company’s reputation in the community based on the scenario. The explanation should include three supporting examples of what the company has done or failed to do that has harmed its image in the community.
2. Describe an ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible course of action to address each example from part B1 based on the company’s culture and core values.
3. Explain how the course of action from part B2 is ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible.
C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
TechFite is a famous British company that manufactures, markets and sells high-tech goods. The company has thrived in recent years despite its operations in a competitive business environment. TechFite has always provided its customers with outstanding and top-notch products, and the focus has always been on diversification and empowerment of workers in some ways such as paying them good salaries and great leadership. When it comes to talking about its compensation, it can be said that TechFite had remunerated employees based on their job nature, experience levels, goals, objectives and the number of hours they spend in the office. However, the company is going through difficult times these days because of its excessive contribution to the community and confusing salary packages. Both of these problems have stemmed from certain ethical and social obligations of TechFite, and there is a strong need to address all of the moral, social and ethical issues as soon as possible.
Corporate Policies, the Rationale behind the Policies, and How They Align with TechFite’s Culture
1. Promoting a Positive Workplace
As an HR director, I understand that every employee needs a sustainable and friendly atmosphere; so, there is a strong need to provide them with a workplace that is characterized by appreciation, satisfaction, and acceptance. The rationale behind this policy is to strengthen the business and to keep employees engaged during office hours (Aigner, 2016). The management of TechFite must pay attention to the diversity of cultures, which means employees should be treated and offered bonuses and other benefits based on their overall performance, and there should be no discrimination. In simple words, we can say that more attention has to be paid on promoting a positive and productive workplace or environment so that workers keep giving their best and do not get tired of the fluctuating policies or salary plans of the company. This corporate policy will surely align with TechFite’s culture since the company will be able to fire employees who show arrogance to their office mates and treat them based on their sex, age, disability, rage, class, and religion.
2. Compliance with Labor and Employment Laws
The primary goal of TechFite should be to ensure an excellent and fair working environment and to address problems related to employees’ privacy and salaries. For this purpose, it has to comply with labor and employment laws of the country and should not manufacture and market anything which is out of context and is illegal in the eyes of government officers or policymakers. The rationale behind this policy is to take care of the specific rules and regulations of the country so that the company can keep growing and can generate a lot more sales in the coming years.
3. Exchange of Information with the Stakeholders
TechFite should communicate with its stakeholders on a regular basis so that better ideas and opinions are presented. Without exchanging information with them, it will be difficult for the company to resolve most of its issues. This rationale will ensure that TechFite can develop a good relationship with its community members, especially with the stakeholders (2015). Accordingly, it should disclose information and proposals to the interested stakeholders so that the right decisions are...
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