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Computing Technology: Change And The Internet

Essay Instructions:

One of the headings in Chapter 9 is "Will the Internet change everything?". "Everything" is a bit much since human nature (a key element in marketing) does not change much even over long periods, but the Internet has already caused a lot of change in the marketing field. Using a selection of relevant topics covered in the three chapters assigned this week (9, 10, 11), discuss what changes you believe that the Internet has caused as well as any changes you see it causing in the future.

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Change and the Internet
Computing technology has come a long way since its inception a few decades ago. It ushered in the information age and revolutionized nearly every aspect of human life. the information age has come to be powered by the internet which has been dabbed information superhighway. Every second differently coded information traverses the internet to various destinations. The internet has continually been developed to support the future of computing which is continually pegged on internetworking. Computing technology has revolutionized our lives in many spheres i.e. in social networking. Today one of the tech behemoth companies, Facebook and Twitter are some of the social media giant companies founded on exploiting human socialness and improving how we interact in cyberspace. Technology has also changed the definition and concept of money. I the past money was paper-based or made of special alloys and coined in special ways. However, with the internet, new technologies have emerged that have redefined money. Today there is electronic money which is supported by the internet infrastructure and some companies like PayPal is entirely based on how money and transactions can be made over the internet. All financial institutions now have some form of the electronic money system and they are all supported by the internet infrastructure. Technology has also changed the way people worked. First, it created new job descriptions with the technology companies and today the computing industry employs hundreds of million people directly and billions indirectly. Additionally, due to improved computing power and affordability of technology, nearly everyone can afford a personal computer and or a variant that is capable of helping him/her work remotely.
The internet is still evolving and many innovators have promised new futuristic uses of it. first, the internet of things (IoT). Internet of Things has been touted as the future of computing where all devices will have some computing and internet capability enabling it to be operated remotely among other feature...
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